
Showing posts from November, 2008

Doing what you HATE -- it can actually be FUN

There is something very freeing about making yourself do things you hate. Sound contradictory? I guess it is. But think about your own mental to-do lists: how many things do you have floating around in your mind right now that you should get around to, but don't want to take care of yet? Maybe they aren't priorities. Perhaps you've put these things off for the last year, because it didn't really affect anything either way. But what it did effect, was your peace of mind. Because it takes energy to have these things floating around in your brain. That's a cost to you. Think about how often these to-do items pop into your mind -- each time they do, they steal thought energy from other places. You have less room to be creative, to be objective, to adequately deal with your day-t0-day life, the more "clutter" you have in your mind. When your mind is cluttered with things you haven't gotten around to, your brain doesn't stop working. It's similar t...

Moving to a new house...

When talking about transforming a life with clients, we often end up using the analogy of moving to a new house, from an old house. You can use this idea too, to make it easier to both picture your new life and make it happen! 1) Discover the ultimate dream (picture your new house) -- This is where we make a beautiful oil painting of what our new house will look like! You can't build it without an image of what you are building! What does your gorgeous new home look like? There's no reason to build something without passion -- so get excited about what wonderful things you will put in those new rooms. What memories will you make? Listen to that inner voice that knows which direction you really want to go. What would you ideal life look like? Sound like? Feel like? Picture it with all of its lovely details. If you're artistic, paint your dream. Or make a collage, sketch or even combine googled images in a paint program and print out the result -- this is your visionboard, a...

The Martha Stewart Dreamers into Doers Award

Martha Stewart hosts a contest each year called Dreamers into Doers. To me, it really is a Life Coaching type of a concept, as it's focused on individuals who have transformed a dream into reality. I was really excited to receive a last minute invitation to her cocktail party and awards gala, that broadcasts on November 12th. One reason I got so excited about this is -- aside from just getting to be in the same room with Martha -- is because Martha Stewart is one of the women I really admire, for all that she has accomplished. I started reading her book back at the Borders in Scottsdale, AZ and I specifically remember sitting there in one of those big brown chairs, opening up to a random chapter and being blown away. The part that inspired me the most, was when she mentioned that she didn't start Omnimedia -- she started a small catering company. She then grew that company into something much bigger. That idea that everything big, starts with something small, is a very motivati...

How to Reach Any Goal in 30 Days -- Let's Make an Action Plan!

Read the article here: Want to find the best life coach for you and your goals? Need a new life? Career or personal dreams? Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients -- I coach financial traders, attorneys, entrepreneurs, artists and anyone creating a big, brand new life.