New products for 2011
Buying even one product can help you achieve a specific future result, faster. Make 2011 your BEST year ever. If you can dream it, you can make it happen!
Purchase on my web site:
Find Lasting Happiness at Work and In Love...
$300 Discover Your Top 2 Strengths Assessment and Instant Results! Guaranteed to change your life! This short, fast assessment will work in less than 30 minutes. Instant results for work, career, dating/marriage, friendships. Learn your strengths to separate yourself from the competition and speed success. Get your top 4 best compatibility matches for business, dating and love. Assessment and instant results -- all included! The results will change the rest of your life! A great compliment if you're already being coached, and it's an invaluable tool either way.
This is a very short assessment. It includes all of the information you need, and you can use the results to tailor your career or personal life to suit your strengths.
If you marry your best personality type, you'll have less conflict naturally in your relationship, and this is predictable. Same goes for a business partner, or a travel-the-world buddy.
I actually married my #1 personality type, and I dated all of the types so I can attest to the fact that this really works.
Law of Attraction, The Secret, or "Luck" -- We now know that when you envision a future result, you program your subconscious to bring about positive change, without your conscious mind even being aware of the new success mechanisms your mind is using.
But actually DOING this is harder than you'd think. We find ourselves full of doubt, feeling frozen, and not sure what we should be visualizing. Yikes! This exercise helps you break through these problems right away.
Help Bring About Future Positive Changes, Faster...
$50 Create a Scrapbook of Future Memories Workbook
Create a Scrapbook of Future Memories Workbook! An interesting exercise that will help you speed results.
This short workbook quickly shows you exactly how to do this. The two-pages have ideas to get you brainstorming, and a place to sketch out and record your ideas. Review them weekly for FAST results in achieving your goals. Pay over PayPal and print it out immediately. Keep the life-changing results forever.
Ready to discover what makes you happy?
Read my new book about Happiness! $10
About this item:
* Being happy could help you live longer.
* Friends and relationships may lead to happiness.
* The link between money and happiness may be less than we thought.
Luckily, it s fairly easy to change your level of happiness What puts most people on the path to happiness is not a mystery at all, but is instead a learnable framework that anyone can master quickly. The changes are small, but the results can be amazing.
Think about how you would feel if you were happy most of the time? From the moment you woke up in the morning? What if you sang "Singing in the Rain" instead of "Why Does the Rain Always Fall on Me?" What if you had a quiet confidence that radiated great things to come and wonderful surprises just around the corner? Imagine what it would be like - - what it would feel like - - to not worry, but simply to know. What if instead of lying to yourself with fearful, negative thoughts, you told the truth. What if you stepped into everything you are and understood your amazing potential as a human being?
What if you weren t afraid of your potential to shine? How could things be different? How would they feel different?