Impossible is...Impossible
There are certain things we all assume are impossible. A lot of these things are not true, and they prevent us from living our true, happiest lives.
I was surprised this month, while working out with a trainer, and I had this concept illustrated for me.
The first training session, I could barely lift 10 pounds. My arms were shaking! Of course they were...weights are something that I felt were "impossible" for me, as I only considered myself "moderately athletic." I wasn't really surprised that I was struggling.
Three weeks later, my trainer looked at me, confused, and said, "You look stronger. I wonder how much you can actually lift."
He tested it out. He started with 10, but kept adding more and more weight. 30....40....50. Shockingly, I was able to easily life this weight without much struggle. Then he put it up to 70 pounds! I had never in my life lifted 70 pounds. But I lifted it, quite easily.
This was only 3 weeks after I could barely lift 10 pounds. I then did 195 pounds with my legs.
I then realized that I had a belief that something was "impossible." This had prevented me from even considering picking up that weight.
And this belief enables us to BELIEVE things are impossible -- which have been possible all the time.
There are probably a LOT of things you have never even considered for yourself, because they feel "impossible." If you were to only try just a bit, you might see these "impossible" things dissolve at your feet.
What's your list of "impossible things?" Take a small step to proving that these things are NOT impossible at all.