
Showing posts from June, 2010

The Lies We Retell

All of us have been brought up to believe a variety of lies. Lies about what kinds of people we are, what we are capable of, what we deserve, and what we can expect out of life. About the Lies... The lies are told to all of us by a variety of (usually) well-intentioned people, who often have their own problems, which cause them to tell these lies. When we are young especially, we soak up these lies and believe in them strongly. For most of us, we will live our entire lives without challenging or even noticing this list of lies. Sometimes the lies are told directly with words, and other times indirectly with action. For instance, someone can say "wow, you're really stupid," or they can say nothing, ignore you, change the subject, roll their eyes, let their eyes gloss over like you're the world's biggest idiot, etc. We then continue to re-tell these lies to OURSELVES throughout the day, every day of our lives. We take action and go after goals (or avoid goals) that...