
Showing posts from September, 2012

Four Hurdles for Transitioning from a "Regular Job" to Entrepreneurship

Becoming an overnight entrepreneur? Easier said than done -- a lifetime of structure (from education to the corporate world) can make it difficult to fly off on your own. But it can be done! Can I sharpen my pencil now? Do you remember asking your grade school teacher this question, as you anxiously awaited the answer with that broken lead staring at you. Then, it's asking your boss for vacation, or awaiting your next project. But what happens when YOU are the person who not only asks, but answers? What happens are a lot of hurdles that will set you back. These things are certain to, at one time or another, really bother you. Knowing is half the battle, and understanding that every other entrepreneur has dealt with these same problems is reassuring. What are the hurdles for a person who has always had the structure of a regular, corporate job, to switch to the unstructured and unknown world of entrepreneurship? There are many, but here are the top 2...

Is part of you not on board? Why We Lack Alignment, and How it Can Lead to Health Problems.

When contemplating your big goal , whether that's a new business, career change, finding a relationship, improving your health, etc., it can be easy to say "This will be easy. I know I want this!" However, if you find yourself taking one step forward and two back, procrastinating, trying to convince yourself (or others) that "everything is fine" and "you're just taking a break," etc., you may have a part of you that's not on board with your goal. You may also experience anxiety whenever you attempt a task, or feel generally depressed with a "whatever" or "who cares" attitude. This means there is a part of you that is not "on board" with your new goal. That's okay, because most of us experience this phenomenon when we tackle new goals. But there is a way to handle this, and there is a way this can destroy you. To handle it, you need to DISCOVER what your inner conflict is. To have this destroy you? IGNORE. It ca...