
Showing posts from July, 2009

Don't miss August 10th event! (In Manhattan)

Discover your Vision for Your Business Sign up: (under events) or Attention entrepreneurs and business owners! Ever wonder why you’re working so hard? What’s it all for? This workshop will help you discover, clarify and create a vision for your business! Discover what you really want in this workshop, led by a Certified Life Coach. Find out how to enjoy your work more, attract fulfillment and success more easily by creating a Business Vision. Also, your vision helps guide your daily decisions. Regardless of what stage your business is at, this creative, upbeat workshop will help you create your own Business Vision *Creating a vision helps you understand what you are working towards day-to-day  *Attract success by having a clear picture of what you want  *Understand and clarify your Business Vision  *Discover what you really want!  *Learn how to visualize  *Take your business to the next level by envisioning success!  *Get bette...

Win free coaching and freebies!

Health, Beauty & Wellness Networking Event- Free Event Hey everyone! Join me Thursday July 30th at 7pm at Solas in Manhattan It's at a fun, life-improving event in Manhattan! :) I'll have a table set up so you can learn more about getting what you want faster! Health, beauty, and wellness experts will also be there.  RSVP here:

Economy Spending -- Be Careful What You Cut

A lot of people are concerned about spending cash right now, and for good reason. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your purchases and avoiding a "scarcity mentality" that causes you to hoard and lose perspective. Remember that if you're depressed it may make it more difficult to find motivation to tackle your goals -- so choose your purchases wisely, keeping yourself and what you need to be happy and healthy in mind.  1. What is really necessary?  Not only for your budget, but for what makes you happy. If you're miserable it will be harder to maintain the motivation to work, improve your current career or find a new, better career that pays what you need -- these things take emotional and physical energy. Think what purchases you really enjoy and add to your life for some time and what are things that don't really matter to you. For instance, if taking yoga class makes you feel balanced, energetic and gives you what you need to get through the week,...

There are no "good" or "bad" decisions-- how to detach from the outcome.

It can be easy to feel frozen when faced with a decision -- w hat if you make the wrong one? Try this one tip that can make it instantly easier to decide! When stressed about a decision, what usually happens is we are forgetting that we don't control what happens -- we only control what decision we make. We forget that no matter how well we do on an interview, we don't control if we are hired. Only how well we do. We can do amazingly well on an interview and not get a job for many other reasons we don't control. It doesn't matter how gorgeous or handsome and charming we are on a date, we may not see that person again if there are other factors we can't control (maybe the are in the middle of therapy they need to focus on? Or perhaps they are getting back with an ex?). Separating what we control (our decisions/actions) from what we don't (just about everything else) makes it easier to stop blaming ourselves for the weather, and start taking responsibility for bri...