There are no "good" or "bad" decisions-- how to detach from the outcome.

It can be easy to feel frozen when faced with a decision -- what if you make the wrong one?
Try this one tip that can make it instantly easier to decide!

When stressed about a decision, what usually happens is we are forgetting that we don't control what happens -- we only control what decision we make.

We forget that no matter how well we do on an interview, we don't control if we are hired. Only how well we do. We can do amazingly well on an interview and not get a job for many other reasons we don't control. It doesn't matter how gorgeous or handsome and charming we are on a date, we may not see that person again if there are other factors we can't control (maybe the are in the middle of therapy they need to focus on? Or perhaps they are getting back with an ex?).

Separating what we control (our decisions/actions) from what we don't (just about everything else) makes it easier to stop blaming ourselves for the weather, and start taking responsibility for bringing an umbrella.

Another thing that makes it easier to decide is to remember that "good" and "bad" are an illusion. There are no "good" or "bad" decisions only outcomes. A good decision can turn out horribly and a bad one can turn out amazing. What we have control over, is making a choice. Then we need to detach from expecting things will turn out a certain way -- because we don't have control over what we don't have control over! :)

That perfect job you take may end up being a scam that is stealing people's money. That terrible temp job you're embarrassed to tell your friends about may lead to meeting a contact who ends up hiring you for your dream job. The perfect first date may be with a very disturbed individual who could try to steal your life savings. The awkward first date may end up being a truly kind person who makes it their mission to make you happy (and they do!). We don't know what outcomes will occur. We only control our decisions.

This doesn't mean we shouldn't take responsibility for our choices and decisions! But instead, that we should not take responsibility for what we DON'T control, that is, the outcome of what eventually happens down the road after we decide.

Based on your goals, make the decision that looks like it would best support that. And then allow the outcome to be what it will. You can only control what you can control -- you CAN'T control what someone else does or a choice someone else makes.

You can't control who hires you, or who doesn't. Who loves you, or doesn't. Who likes you, who doesn't. As Wayne Dyer says, "What you think about me is none of my business."

You can control where you apply to work, where you choose to live, which people you talk to/spend time with, and what decisions you make every day -- even what thoughts you allow to dominate your life and outlook.

Whatever happens down the road, bad or good, you can always make another decision any time you need to change course. So remember that "bad" and "good" are illusions and decide the best you can right now. Let go of the outcomes you don't control. This frees you to make the best possible decisions for yourself, since you aren't as worried and stressed about "what could happen."


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