
Showing posts from October, 2009

Take Action!

Even if you're unsure, taking action in one direction can give you valuable feedback that over-analyzing can't. You don't have to do something drastic -- you can take a small action: make a phone call, send an email, go somewhere new. The results of your action will likely propel you to continue on, as you'll see that it's not as hard as you thought to get the ball rolling. Most of us procrastinate endlessly because we don't yet have every piece of information perfectly aligned -- taking action stops this cycle and propels you forward more quickly than anything. Doing something new gives you energy -- it may feel like nerves, but energy is all is is -- it's the same energy as excitement, which is what you need to energize your goals and bring about the new mindset you'll need as you grow. Take one small new action today -- doesn't need to be an enormous action. Even a tiny task may be enough to energize you and shake up your mindset. Good luck!

Is it possible?

If you don't believe it's possible, it won't be. If you don't allow yourself to be powerful, you won't. Preventing yourself from being powerful, is still using your power, but for a different outcome. You're either creating what you want, or what you don't want. The energy is the same. So might as well re-direct that energy towards what you want instead. A small shift with a big result. What's one thing that is actually possible, that you've been afraid to realize? What's one thing you haven't been open to? Want to work on this together? Get weekly phone coaching. 2-week trial rate less than half the full rate!!


You're powerful always. But you have a choice as to whether you use that power, or not. It's fine at times to hide from your power, but remember it is there. You can be meek, distracted, weak, but that doesn't mean that is who you are. How we act in one situation can be very different from another. What situations have you had in your life? Which traits have they brought out in you? Are there other aspects of you that haven't had an opportunity to shine? What situations would allow you to shine and feel powerful in your life now? If there is an area of life you'd prefer to be more powerful in, you can always choose to make that happen.

Why it's so hard to break habits -- blame your brain

Why is it so hard to learn something new? And so easy to do things out of habit? Even when you'd rather break a habit and do something completely new? Have you ever struggled to break a habit? Whether that was bad eating, avoiding exercise, smoking, or thinking negative thoughts? Have you ever been so frustrated and given up, despite logically knowing the new habit or thoughts would do you good? You've probably heard a lot about "thinking new thoughts" and how important it is to do that. What we practice becomes habit, and habits are tough to break -- but how do you create new, better habits, when your brain seems to not want to help you out? And your behavior follows suit, creating a vicious cycle! Instead of beating yourself up , understand why it happens. Habits are powerful, chemical and electrical processes that happen in your brain -- no wonder it's tough! Let's break it down. 1. While you're sitting there frustrated, your brain's cells (neurons...