Go towards good
Go towards good.
It's that simple. Is the situation or person good, supportive, and helping you? If not, leave.
Walk towards situations that make you feel vibrant, excited, happy, calm, understood peaceful, amazing, appreciated, amazing, content, like you're going in the right direction, relaxed, focused, like you're contributing something important, fairness, honesty, integrity.
Anything else is not in your best interest. There is nothing to analyze or figure.
Good people.
Good work.
Good health.
Good emotional health.
Good struggles.
Good rewards.
Good strength.
This doesn't mean you won't experience bad things and struggle, but remember to walk away from harmful things, mean people, negative things, abuse -- these are not the right struggles for you. Leave.
Go towards good. Welcome it into your life like an old friend. Run far from anything else, close the door to it, and look away.