Tear through brick walls

We all have brick walls in front of us -- roadblocks, obstacles, fears. On the other side of these walls are the things you want to accomplish. If you didn't have brick walls, you already would have everything you wanted!

Without your brick walls, what would you accomplish? What would you become? What's on the other side of your wall?

Your "brick walls" may appear to be solid. However, these walls are actually made of paper. You can tear right through them fast. Move past your obstacles with this challenge for the day.

1. Make a list of 3 things that scare you, but that would help you to reach a goal. Think of a goal you'd really LOVE to reach!
2. Order them by most to least scary.
3. Choose the least scary, and write out one tiny task that would take 5 minutes (it should be the first step towards your goal).
4. Do it -- right now!

Example -- "1. Afraid to start a business. 1. Intimidated by new gym. 3. Dreading sending an overdue thank you note. Tiny task -- find the address the late thank you note needs to be sent to, and write it on the envelope."

Give it a try!


sheul said…
How do I know they are actually paper walls and not brick !?
How do you know they are paper -- great question.

Chances are, if you see things as paper, they will become paper. Action breaks through obstacles quite quickly!

If you believe an obstacle is brick, it will become brick. There is no point to attempt to shred a brick wall. Giving up makes certain that wall will stay brick.

It's just a subjective decision, but that belief will influence everything you do!

Be aware of your choice.

There is always another way. Another possibility, even if at first it doesn't seem like it.

To find those possibilities means you need to keep trying. If you decide it's brick and walk away, it will be brick. If you decide it's paper and continue to tear it down, it just may shred much faster than you thought possible!

None of us can ever definitively say for sure "this is impossible." The minute we do that, someone comes along and proves us wrong. "It's impossible to fly." And next thing you know, someone is walking on the moon.

Something impossible yesterday, may become possible today. Something that worked perfectly yesterday, may not today.

Various factors are always at work, and we will never completely understand all of the variables at hand -- we just cannot as many are out of our control.

So it become a choice to see your walls as brick or paper and your goals as impossible or possible.

Brick means you will give up. Paper means you will continue.

(A long answer to a short question :)
sheul said…
Thank you so much! That is so informative and eye opening :).

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