The 5 Blocks that Hold us Back

Often, we don't take action on a goal because of a small, tiny block. The 5 Fears that Hold us Back: 1. Not knowing where to start -- When you feed your mind a vague goal like "Become an actor" there are no tangible actions to DO, so you get stuck. How the heck do you "become an actor?" Of course you need a master plan of specific do-able goals, laid out over the course of many weeks. 2. Fear of success -- Our ego doesn't like change. And success is a change. Maybe you'll lose touch w/ your best friends and family? Maybe the bar will be set too high, and it'll be exhausting to keep achieving? Maybe you'll get a big head and lose touch with yourself. Maybe being in the spotlight will open you up to criticism that you're shielded from now? 3. Fear of failure -- Once again, our ego hates change. Failure hurts, and it makes you question your value, it can change how others view you, and it can affect your relationships and reputation. Enough sa...