Perfectionist Pitfalls!

Quiz: Who in the above photo is perfect? No one is actually perfect. But many of us pretend to be. Your real goal should be to become "perfect at not being perfect," and even that will come with some mistakes :). Perfectionism happens from an unrealistic idea, a fallacy, that you must be 100% perfect, and a single flaw means you are 100% loser. This is untrue all-or-nothing thinking. Yet, our society promotes this idea, and if you subscribe to it you will exert huge effort towards your impossible goal of perfection. You'll get a high off of feeling that others are seeing you as flawless (in those brief moments where things line up just right), and the rest of your human existence will feel slightly mortifying (ugh I cannot believe I had a typo in my Facebook post!! Everyone will think I'm a huuge loser now....Oh the shame...the shame). Do you do this? If you feel "I must be perfect," this pressure it will cause you to: *Procrastinate -- the stak...