NYC Elevators

Our restaurants are graded in NYC to ensure our safety-- and most of the time food will only make you sick for a short time. But our elevators aren't -- and elevators can injure or kill you -- my client's personal trainer was thrown against the ceiling when his elevator sped up too quickly and he's now paralyzed for life. And can we ever forget that that woman who was chopped in half when hers was stuck between floors and she stepped out just as it started moving? I can't forget that. Elevators should be graded with a framed certificate posted right by the elevator doors. The grade would include elevator violations, and whether they had been corrected, with a total score like restaurants do. Then you'd at least have the knowledge to KNOW if your elevator was safe, and you could choose if you wanted to step in. There are 10,000 accidents and 30 deaths a year from elevators that aren't maintained and malfunction. That would at least hold them accountable...and maybe motivate them to maintain them properly. Anyone agree with me here?

I know this isn't a topic I usually post about, but since the majority of my clients live in NYC and take elevators every day like we all do, it is a topic that really needs to be addressed.

Please comment or share if you agree. 

I'm writing a letter to send out about this, and if you comment I will include a screen shot in my letter to show others care as well.



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