The 12 Real Reasons We Don't Hire a Life Coach
I'll admit it. Even though I'm a Life Coach in Manhattan now (and have been coaching since 2005), there was a time when I wasn’t comfortable hiring anyone to help me: not a life coach, not a therapist, not even a personal trainer. Yup. Despite now knowing the huge benefits that working with these professionals brings, there was quite a long time in my life when I just didn't want to do that! So if you feel this way, I understand. I've since worked with many coaches, therapists and personal trainers, and now, I eagerly seek out more help wherever I can find it, because I'm all about streamlining and making things more efficient. And hiring people to help only makes sense to me. It's what powerful people do. But back then I didn't feel this way AT ALL. I felt the opposite. I had a lot of reasons. And I’m wondering if any of you resonate with these reasons, which is why I'm posting this entry. Do you know that t...