The 10 things successful people require to achieve new dreams:

To turn dreams into reality, you need several things. Look at the following list. Do you have all of these things in your life right now? If you're lacking even one area, hire me to fill in the gaps, so you can reach your goals faster. You deserve to have every area filled. Otherwise, you're just wasting time.

1. Support. You need a supportive group of like-minded people in your life to achieve success. Your Life Coach is one of these important people. Your coach will help you find ways to grow your support network.

2. Feedback. You require objective feedback to attain success. Not the response of those with a financial or emotional stake in your decisions -- your coach is objective -- your happiness is the only interest of your coach.

3. Creativity. You need to access your own creative power to reach your dreams. Your coach helps you tap into your potential using visualization exercises, relaxation, brainstorming, powerful questioning and other tools.

4. Check in. You need to have someone to check in with weekly (or daily) to reach big, life-changing goals. You know what you "should" do to reach a goal, but humans are naturally on auto-pilot unless we have someone who holds us accountable.

5. A mirror. You need someone who can repeat your ideas back to you in a way you can really hear them. Who can clarify, summarize, and get to the heart of the matter. We all need someone to hold up a mirror and show us exactly where we are at, and where we want to be. Without this, making huge life changes can be truly impossible.

6. A challenge. You need someone who can ask you the questions you've been afraid to ask yourself. What do you really want? What do you need to do to get it? Your coach will listen and take your answers seriously. Your coach will allow you to raise the bar on your expectations for your own life, challenging you to go for it.

7. Perspective. You need someone who can help you identify which fears and old ideas have held you back. Someone who can really listen to you and hear what you're not saying. Who can give you a big-picture perspective. Your coach is here to provide this.

8. A plan. You need a plan. Your coach will sit down with you and identify which action items are key for making your future happen the way it's meant to. When you know exactly what you need to do, it's a relief. It's certain. You will reach success with the right action items bundled together into a solid action plan.

9. Your personality strengths. You need to discover your greatest strengths as a human being. When you know what makes you unique and powerful, you can leverage this towards the success you desire. Your coach will help you discover your own personality strengths, as well as your unique greatness and potential.

10. Acceptance. You need someone who will accept you and your ideas, without judgement. The last thing someone who is about to change their life (and potentially the world) needs is a heckler. Your emotions and thoughts are your own and are helpful for reaching your goals. Your coach will listen and accept what you say as your own personal truth. Your coach knows that YOU are the expert on your own life. Do you have every area covered?
Want to find the best life coach for you and your goals? Need a new life? Career or personal dreams? Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm Julie Melillo, a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients in-person in New York City and over the telephone and internet -- I coach financial traders, attorneys, entrepreneurs, artists and anyone creating a big, brand new life. 


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