Have you ever wondered -- what's next?

Life Coaching helps you discover who you are, what you want, and how to get it quickly. This information is inside of you, but since you are you, it's hard to see it clearly. I will listen to you intensely, drawing out the information we need to co-create your new life. Why do athletes have coaches? Why do presidents? Why do celebrities always travel with packs of people?Unlike therapy or counseling, Life Coaching means I'm your equal partner. We both have the same goal -- to improve your entire life! You deserve to be happy and live the life of your dreams.

Dream wildly and live courageously!Who do I work with? The emotionally brave, bold and adventurous -- even if you wouldn't know it by looking at them. Emotional strength and bravery is rare, and it's what enables people make life changes. It's what we develop in coaching.
It is terrifying to try something new. This is why so few people do it. Learning how to tear down your expectations and build a new life from the ground up is not easy, but it is worth it. If you're emotionally healthy and take responsibility for yourself and your decisions, coaching could be for you. CEOs, presidents, rock stars, entrepreneurs, businesspeople and celebrities ALL require unique, individualized support to reach specific dreams in a fulfilling way.You deserve to feel joy, to get excited about your work, to be fulfilled by your relationships. To do all of those important things that haven't been enough of a priority.

Hire me, and your dreams become my priority too.

Want to find the best life coach for you and your goals? Need a new life? Career or personal dreams? Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm Julie Melillo, a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients in-person in New York City and over the telephone and internet -- I coach financial traders, attorneys, entrepreneurs, artists and anyone creating a big, brand new life. 


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