Choose your own adventure...

Does anyone remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books? You would read a section and then decide what action the character should take and flip to another page to see the result. To me, real life is like that too.

In your life right now, your entire reality is made up of the choices you have made thus far. This -- right now -- is the end result of some decision you made a while ago. Some decisions five minutes ago, others from a year ago, others from when you were a kid. Yes, your beliefs will continue to influence your decisions

And your decisions are often based on your beliefs about yourself and the world -- what you expect to happen is what you allow to happen. So really, you have total control: you can change your expectations, your thoughts, your beliefs AND your actions. You get to tell that character exactly what to do.

So if you think of your life right now, there are some things that are happy and easy, and other things that are a never-ending struggle. Which things in your life fit into the “easy” column and the “difficult/impossible” column in your life?

What is easy?

What is difficult/impossible?

For the happy column, celebrate! It’s wonderful to get what you want and the things you have done have obviously worked out great. Keep it up!

Understand that areas of anxiety and struggle in your life RIGHT NOW are the past attempting to keep its hold on you, as you grow into new things. The people you long to notice you, the situations that hold you back, relationships that have grown stagnant, and all of the areas that you attempt to force that don’t work – these are indications that your past is trying to keep you repeating patterns that you have outgrown.

If this resonates with you, you’ll notice that you feel almost addicted to continuing these unfruitful efforts, despite clearly logically knowing that it isn’t working. These patterns from your past are powerful – which is why you’re still doing these things, despite being a smart person.

It is now your choice. Would you like to continue? Or would you like to evolve? Wouldn’t it feel nice to let go and triumph forward into something meant to be, something that feels so right it is as clear as water – it is obviously the right thing for you. What would it take to see that and allow it into your life?

Take careful note of areas of misery in your life right now. The things you wish for, but are afraid to admit probably aren’t taking you in the right direction. The end goals here aren’t really what you are craving – you are forcing unnatural situations in order to prevent your own growth. But remember, these outcomes are not who you are. These are choices you have made on your journey, choices you made in the past when you were at a different place you have now outgrown. And it is now time to choose fresh.

The seasons bring freshness and newness into life. Luckily, life re-freshes itself in this way constantly, effortlessly. But keeping your own life in line with this universal idea of re-growth can be a struggle if you are clinging on to what has already passed and what is gone. It is okay to be sad to see those pretty green leaves fall, but remember that holding onto them will leave you with a pile of decomposed mush. It is best to brightly look forward to the beauty of winter, and everything else beyond that.

Do what you can do now. Decide what you can decide. Take the control into your own hands to bring you what you want. If you don’t have the job you want, what inside yourself has prevented you from finding it? What were you afraid of that kept you from fully exploring? If there is a goal that you haven’t reached, is there something else you must complete first, before you reach that goal? If there are areas in your life that are empty, why are they that way? Have you recently changed in a way that is causing you to notice those areas of life more – and what is it that you need to be happy?

There is always an answer if you are willing to ask.

Remember you are in control and you choose what you select and place into your life. It’s like you have a basket as you are meandering through the forest – you decide what you pick and place into that basket – and if you choose incorrectly, simply remove that object from your basket and place it back into the forest. If you don’t like the quality of plants in the areas of forest you are in, turn around and go to a different place.

If you don’t like something, become aware of it. And then choose something new. It is surprisingly easy. What holds you back is not the outside world, but inside fears. So find a way to make note of those fears, and remind yourself why it is you deserve this. Don’t you deserve this? Weren’t you born for a reason? Let’s take hold of your life, re-shape it, and re-direct it to align all of your efforts, thoughts and beliefs in the direction of what you want.

Truth is what unlocks this process. So be truthful with yourself. What is it you’ve been afraid to see? What do you need to realize in order to get there?

But the first question to ask yourself of course is – what is it you really want? Then trust in the newness of life, the potential around the corner, and most of all, trust in yourself. Know you will get it, when you have created the right conditions for your goal to grow. When you have dealt with the un-truths, and fears, when you have consciously decided what your goal is and what you are going to do about it – then it is guaranteed to happen.

This is all in your hands. In that adventure that lies ahead of you, what are you going to choose?
Want to find the best life coach for you and your goals? Need a new life? Career or personal dreams? Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm Julie Melillo, a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients -- I coach financial traders, attorneys, entrepreneurs, artists and anyone creating a big, brand new life. 


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