Your room, your life

It's interesting how our living spaces reveal more than we think they do. Look around your room, your office, or any space you have control over. How is it organized? Or not organized? What would a stranger walking into your space think of you? Are you vibrant and alive? Are you passionate? Orderly? Planned out? Spontaneous?

Look at your room and notice the objects you have chosen. Why did you chose that? What does it mean to you?

Remember you can chose the objects to fill your room the same way you select what you place in your life -- your job, your relationships, your activities, your thoughts, your beliefs, your passions -- these are your selections. And they are choices you have control over.

On a personal note, I remember when my living room was a disaster. It seemed each month it got worse and worse, and I didn't care to improve it. I let clutter and junk pile high, and I didn't respect or care for my possessions -- the fact was, it was a life I was done with. I was ready to move on to something new. And those objects were things I secretly wanted to throw out. Instead of making the tough choice and moving onto a new life right away, I held onto that life I had outgrown, allowing the room to become more and more ugly, until finally, I sold everything and moved to New York. It didn't happen over night though -- and looking back, that room clearly showed me exactly what I wanted in my life, what I didn't have, and what was holding me back.

What is holding you back? And what secrets does your room have to share about you and your life?
Want to find the best life coach for you and your goals? Need a new life? Career or personal dreams? Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm Julie Melillo, a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients -- I coach financial traders, attorneys, entrepreneurs, artists and anyone creating a big, brand new life. 


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