3 Tips for Letting Go...
When things don't go our way and we realize that a situation has taken a turn that no longer works for us, we need to re-access. And after we do this, letting go of a situation or thought that is no longer helping us evolve is often the answer. Letting go is something that is difficult for all of us, regardless of where we are in life. Here are some tips and ideas to make it a bit easier to move on to something you know deep down is a better choice for you. 1) Moving on means letting go -- Try to think of what you're doing as going after something new, instead of losing out on something that is gone. Do mourn your loss fully (whether that is a job, living situation, friendship, relationship, etc.). But keep in mind that you are mourning in order to create balance and space in your life to bring in new fulfillment, happiness and rays of sunshine -- life can't stay dark for very long before light sneaks in! 2) Your arms can only carry so much -- think of your arms as holdi...