3 Tips for Letting Go...

When things don't go our way and we realize that a situation has taken a turn that no longer works for us, we need to re-access. And after we do this, letting go of a situation or thought that is no longer helping us evolve is often the answer. 

Letting go is something that is difficult for all of us, regardless of where we are in life. Here are some tips and ideas to make it a bit easier to move on to something you know deep down is a better choice for you.

1) Moving on means letting go -- Try to think of what you're doing as going after something new, instead of losing out on something that is gone. Do mourn your loss fully (whether that is a job, living situation, friendship, relationship, etc.). But keep in mind that you are mourning in order to create balance and space in your life to bring in new fulfillment, happiness and rays of sunshine -- life can't stay dark for very long before light sneaks in!

2) Your arms can only carry so much -- think of your arms as holding your old situation. Your hands are full! And you have no way to grasp onto anything new. You must first put down and let go of what you have now, in order to have room in your hands to pick up something new for your life! You may think you can hold onto your existing job, or mindset, or date, or friends while you look for new ones, but you really can''t. It is impossible. You must first let go of what isn't working in order to create space for what will work. This includes space in your mind and old thoughts you are holding onto.

3) Focus on the new things you will soon have -- this will keep your attention positive and happy (especially during this in-between time where your hands are empty). Reminding yourself why you are letting go of something (so that you can bring what you really need into your life) will keep your focus where it should be. Visualize what you want, make lists, get down to the fine detail of what it is you really desire. See yourself as already having it. What does it feel like to already have it? What will your life be like? Relax into this thought and "live" in this new space you have created in your mind as often as you can. Then you will keep your attention focused on what you want -- which will help you to bring about the right changes quickly and easily.

Combining these tips together will make it easier to transition from where you are now, to where you will soon be. The future is almost here -- might as well create what you want with it.

Want to find the best life coach for you and your goals? Need a new life? Career or personal dreams? Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients -- I coach financial traders, attorneys, entrepreneurs, artists and anyone creating a big, brand new life. 


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