The Martha Stewart Dreamers into Doers Award

Martha Stewart hosts a contest each year called Dreamers into Doers. To me, it really is a Life Coaching type of a concept, as it's focused on individuals who have transformed a dream into reality. I was really excited to receive a last minute invitation to her cocktail party and awards gala, that broadcasts on November 12th.

One reason I got so excited about this is -- aside from just getting to be in the same room with Martha -- is because Martha Stewart is one of the women I really admire, for all that she has accomplished. I started reading her book back at the Borders in Scottsdale, AZ and I specifically remember sitting there in one of those big brown chairs, opening up to a random chapter and being blown away.

The part that inspired me the most, was when she mentioned that she didn't start Omnimedia -- she started a small catering company. She then grew that company into something much bigger. That idea that everything big, starts with something small, is a very motivating idea. I remember being really inspired by that. That idea definitely encouraged me through some tough times.

Then, the idea of sitting in a Manhattan TV studio, in the same location as Martha, the author of that book that really changed my thinking is amazing!

I just feel so grateful for that, and I think strong women like Martha, Oprah, and Angelina Jolie are really inspiring. We all have our own lists of who we admire most, but I think it's so important to have others to inspire us, whether they are people we know, authors of books or people in the public eye.

No one is perfect of course, so I don't think it's good to idealize anyone too much, but looking at a person's accomplishments can really remind you that something can be built from nothing, and there is so much out there to be accomplished in life!

She has all of the finalists for the award online and a description here: They have some really neat stories on there! They announce the winner on the show on the 12th.
Want to find the best life coach for you and your goals? Need a new life? Career or personal dreams? Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients -- I coach financial traders, attorneys, entrepreneurs, artists and anyone creating a big, brand new life. 


I'm so excited for you that you get to go to that!

I have the same feeling about Julia Cameron - I remember coming across her name in other books (not written by her) not once but several times as I read volume after volume on discovering your true path in life. I remember thinking, "Who is this Julia Cameron person, and what makes her so great? Why do people keep referencing her?" Fast forward 5 years, and I'm sitting in her Artist's Way class - taught by the famous Ms. Cameron herself! So much to be awed by and grateful for!

I also think it's important to have a list of people you admire - not out of idolization for those individuals, but to have them serve as mirrors that clarify who you are, what you believe and what you want out of life.

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