Moving to a new house...

When talking about transforming a life with clients, we often end up using the analogy of moving to a new house, from an old house. You can use this idea too, to make it easier to both picture your new life and make it happen!

1) Discover the ultimate dream (picture your new house)-- This is where we make a beautiful oil painting of what our new house will look like! You can't build it without an image of what you are building! What does your gorgeous new home look like? There's no reason to build something without passion -- so get excited about what wonderful things you will put in those new rooms. What memories will you make? Listen to that inner voice that knows which direction you really want to go. What would you ideal life look like? Sound like? Feel like? Picture it with all of its lovely details. If you're artistic, paint your dream. Or make a collage, sketch or even combine googled images in a paint program and print out the result -- this is your visionboard, aka, your new house! Hang it up, carry it with you, make your new house a part of your life. You already own it, even though it's not built yet.

2) To achieve the dream, create a detailed plan (your blueprint) -- Without a blueprint, you won't know where to put every 2x4! So first brainstorm every step needed. Then list them out on a daily action item calendar. Have someone hold you accountable for completing every single step on your list. Include a reward and a punishment (that you select)! This is like a contractor motivating the workers to get the job done. That beautiful painting of your new home won't magically appear without actually hammering together all of the pieces. And it helps to have someone motivating you to nail in every one.

3) Work on the negative thoughts (patch holes in the roof)-- think of these like holes in the roof of your old house (not the new one you're building). It's hard to complete work on your new home, when you are dealing with a leaking roof in the home you are currently living in. You're used to the holes and the sound of rain that wakes you up at night, but you deserve a non-leaking roof (which is one reason you're building the new house!) To deal with the leaking holes while you're still living in the old house, do this. First, identify each negative belief. Challenge whether it is true or not. Choose to accept a new belief, even if part of you is holding onto that old belief (and that old leaking roof!) Everything can be looked at from a new angle. Every hole can be patched if you choose to do the work. Change negative beliefs to positive ones!

4) Act "as if" (be a confident construction worker) -- so maybe you still feel like you are living in that old house. The one with the leaking roof that is barely standing. Maybe you don't know how to use a hammer and you keep forgetting what that painting of your new house looks like. That's OK. To motivate yourself to do the hard work of patching that roof and building your new house from the ground up, remind yourself that it works to act "as if" you are confident, "as if" you are not scared, "as if" you are already happy and content in your new lovely home. It will give you the strength to get the demanding job of building a new life done.

5) Don't worry about the demolition -- it's easy to get caught up in memories of that old house. It's comforting to live there, isn't it? No change. No growth. But you know it is stagnant and frustrating too, right? Instead of focusing on the sadness of demolishing your old house, focus instead on what you are building! It's exciting and new. It's OK to be a bit sad, since change does that to all of us, but remember -- with each new box you carry into that lovely new home you've built, every single box (i.e. each action item you complete on your list) is paying your dues and transitioning you over. Every action you complete and box you check off on your list, is a box you have carried from your old unhappy house, to your bright, beautiful new one. Can you see the new house filling up with all of the boxes you are carrying one by one? That is the power of competing small action items daily. Each box you check off brings you a bit closer to moving in! And trust me, the new place gets much better light! And it's probably right by a subway line as well!

NOTE: Remember, you are moving all of your boxes of loved possessions and the people you care about into the new house! The old house was just a container. But you bring the life and the joy with you. So there really is nothing to be sad about.

6) Enjoy your new home! You'll probably feel instantly settled, since this is a house you built from scratch with your own hands! It's all yours and was built with love -- feels homey doesn't it? Time to throw a housewarming party and celebrate! :)
Want to find the best life coach for you and your goals? Need a new life? Career or personal dreams? Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients. 


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