How to Make Your Resolutions Stick

It's a fresh, bright new year! 2009 promises to be great -- so what better time to start living our best lives? But how can we make those familiar resolutions to improve finances, relationships and health stick this year? Check out this article for easy tips!

1) Know what you want -- sounds simple, but if you don't have a clear idea what your dreams for the upcoming year are, you won't have the passion to stick to them. Discover what you really want by asking yourself what you'd do this year if you were a billionaire. Maybe a vacation is what you're craving? Or more time with important people? Getting in touch with what you really want will spark your passion and make it easier to reach that goal quickly -- plus, it's just more fun to achieve the things you really want.

2) Know what you don't want -- think about your worst case scenario for this year. What really scares you? What would be the worst thing that could happen? Are your fears financial (like many people these days), or are you more concerned about something else? Discover your worst case and then determine what you can do to prevent that from occurring -- this will give you the motivation to stick with your goals throughout the year.

3)Write it -- did the previous two questions already spark some ideas in your mind? Write your insights down in a Resolution Journal that you will keep all year. When you lose motivation, simply flip back to earlier entries to remind yourself why you're passionate about achieving these goals once and for all. You can also record progress and roadblocks in one organized place.

4) Plan it --your creative ideas for changing your life will not do much good if you don't take action, will they? With an Action Plan, your dreams won't collect dust. Use a 30-day Action Plan form where you can track your goals. This is a tool I use with my clients and it really helps. You can make your own fairly easily. Breaking each large goal down into 10 achievable steps makes it easier to take easy action each day. You'll be amazed how quickly you can see progress from some small changes!

5)Dedicate yourself -- having commitment for your goal is easier said than done. Sure, it's easy for a week, but what happens three months from now? Will you still be going to the gym, making time for important people, and voicing your opinions at work? Get support to help you stick to your goals. Talk with people you trust who won't judge you or your goals. Check in with them once a week -- ask them to hold you accountable! Show them your Action Plan tasks. Find someone who is neutral, objective, and has your best interests at heart -- otherwise this may actually set you back.

6)Celebrate! Enjoy the feeling of completing your action items from the first day you start. And continue to celebrate weekly, monthly and year-end goals. This is an exciting and motivating part of living your dreams. So don't forget to enjoy the feeling of success! You deserve it.
Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients. 


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