How to Take Action Despite Being Scared
When you know what you need to do, but your heart is pounding, your palms are sweating and your thoughts are begging you to please, just not do that -- how do you take action anyway? Find out with these quick tips.
Decide on your course of action -- ask yourself "what do I need to take action on that I've been avoiding?" Your answer is likely something that scares you. Choose which scary actions are most important for propelling your life successfully forward. Maybe you need to apply for a newjob
, audition for a part, submit a bid, call a prospect, ask for a date, introduce yourself to a stranger, or have a difficult conversation -- what scares you that you want to take action on? Ask yourself this.
2)Why do you want it -- what will taking this scary action bring you? Peace of mind? Fulfillment? Joy? Money? A new relationship? Risk does truly equal reward! Write down what good things could happen to you if you take a risk.
3)Write out a plan -- if you weren't scared what action would you take? What would an incredibly confident person do in your shoes? What needs to be done? Write out a clear plan of the steps that need to happen. Do you need to show up at a party alone, research a topic you'd rather avoid, or ask that cute person for their phone number? Break this task down into small steps in your plan. Number your list from 1 to 10 and include every action that needs to happen.
Feel the fear -- write down specifically what you feel. When you imagine yourself taking action do you feel dread? Excitement? Panic? What happens to your body? Where do you feel the fear? Write it down.
Why is the fear there -- what is the fear trying to protect you from? Unless your goal is to wrestle a bear, most of our modern goals are pretty harmless. Is part of you afraid to change or to see yourself as confident and successful? Is it just habit? Is the "old you" afraid of the "new you"? Ask yourself why.
Do it anyway -- now, with a clear understanding of what your goal is, why you want it, what the steps are, what you fear is, why your fear is there, you can now DO IT ANYWAY. Regardless of how much fear you feel, tell yourself "I don't care how scared you are, or how much you don't want me to do this, I'm doing it anyway -- deal with it." this is where you make a conscious choice to take action, regardless of anything else. Choose one item on your list, and do it within 24 hours.
7) Celebrate -- regardless of what the results were, what matters is that you took a risk and took action. This is how people build confidence. Congratulations! Now take another action on your list and feel how successful you feel by taking action and doing it, instead of just dreaming about it. Each little action you take creates your new, successful life!
NOTE: Don't be too hard on yourself if you chicken out. Just keep going back through the steps until you DO TAKE ACTION. :)
What action can you take in the next 24 hours that scares you? What good things would doing that possibly bring into your life?
Decide on your course of action -- ask yourself "what do I need to take action on that I've been avoiding?" Your answer is likely something that scares you. Choose which scary actions are most important for propelling your life successfully forward. Maybe you need to apply for a new

Why is the fear there -- what is the fear trying to protect you from? Unless your goal is to wrestle a bear, most of our modern goals are pretty harmless. Is part of you afraid to change or to see yourself as confident and successful? Is it just habit? Is the "old you" afraid of the "new you"? Ask yourself why.
NOTE: Don't be too hard on yourself if you chicken out. Just keep going back through the steps until you DO TAKE ACTION. :)
What action can you take in the next 24 hours that scares you? What good things would doing that possibly bring into your life?
Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients.