It happens at work, in business, and in our personal lives. There is a person who seems nice, always ready to help you out -- HOWEVER, you have a nagging feeling of insecurity. Are you being used? Or is it something else? This is how to tell if you are being used: 1) FEAR -- If you ever denied one of their requests, you FEAR a negative reaction , perhaps they would even fire you, de-friend you, or terminate whatever relationship you currently have. This is the number one SIGN that you are being used! ding, ding, ding! Users send messages that denying their request would spell doom for you -- and this is how they manipulate you. If you are worried that saying any of the following "No, sorry, I can't finish that extra report tonight; I can't help you move; I won't do your homework for you this time; I can't make it tonight; or I don't have time to help you buy a new TV," then you are probably dealing with a people-user. Whether you CHOOSE to ALLOW them to ...