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I really like the way this guy thinks! He has a very interesting perspective I hope you'll check out.
It happens at work, in business, and in our personal lives. There is a person who seems nice, always ready to help you out -- HOWEVER, you have a nagging feeling of insecurity. Are you being used? Or is it something else? This is how to tell if you are being used: 1) FEAR -- If you ever denied one of their requests, you FEAR a negative reaction , perhaps they would even fire you, de-friend you, or terminate whatever relationship you currently have. This is the number one SIGN that you are being used! ding, ding, ding! Users send messages that denying their request would spell doom for you -- and this is how they manipulate you. If you are worried that saying any of the following "No, sorry, I can't finish that extra report tonight; I can't help you move; I won't do your homework for you this time; I can't make it tonight; or I don't have time to help you buy a new TV," then you are probably dealing with a people-user. Whether you CHOOSE to ALLOW them to ...
Entrepreneurs, or those who want to be, fall into two categories -- the visionaries who are constantly flooded with new ideas and the doers who take action easily and put ideas into place. Either type can find success as an entrepreneur. VISIONARIES are big picture idea people, insightful, and might miss what's right in front of them (and walk right into a wall) because they are immersed in a theory or long-term plan or idea. They see how ideas fit together, and can easily imagine a completed plan down the road. It's easy for them to see "what needs to be done," but harder for them to...actually do it! This strength with the big picture means a weakness for taking action. First, it can be much more fun to think up new, fun ideas or solutions, versus implementing them. Second, taking repetitive action -- like knocking on doors or cold calling -- can be boring. Third, action can feel overwhelming for the big-picture visionary to even stop and consider taking ac...
Why do we do the same routines for decades, all the while knowing they are not right for us? When we make a change, we bring up ancient, primal pain – the pain of life or death. The fear of losing our life. The pain of losing the little we have already gathered together in our worlds. This is like trying to take a bone from a dog – good luck. It makes sense. Think of a cave person. Would they shake up their routine just to see what happened? Probably not. Leaving the cave at a different time might mean getting eaten by a big animal -- better to stick with what you know! So when we are making changes, the same gut-level fears can arise. It’s enough to make you curl up in the fetal position and sob – which is why, for most of us, we avoid making big life changes. We avoid thinking about things too deeply and instead go along with the crowd and hope that in the end, it will somehow all make sense. But this is not the way that we become happy. To be happy requires asking questions – ...