
Showing posts from July, 2010

To become your best self...

To create what you want, you need to become a slightly different person. You are great the way you are -- you're living a life, and you have many great accomplishments and joys. However, there are additional ways you'd like to grow, potential you'd like to explore, and a wonderful life you'd like to build -- as they say "Whatever is not growing, is dying." Taking time to grow is important. Keeping your life the way it is now, means your results will stay pretty much the same. This is okay if you are 100% satisfied with your finances, love life, relationships, friends, travel/fun, and living situation. But even if so, it means you won't likely get the new things you know would make you happy. On the flip side, when you even slightly improve yourself, your results improve as well. To create what you want, you need to become a slightly different person. What a concept right!? Think about your goals and dreams for your life. These may be for your: *caree...

Are others holding you back from living your dreams?

When you're in the process of discovering what you really want, all kinds of blocks can arise. Some are from within yourself, and others are from the people around you. Read about how the people who you spend the most time with may actually be holding you back from realizing what you want most in life. What could be holding you back? People. Your success may in fact be a bad thing for some other people -- it doesn't mean they are bad people for reacting this way, but we are all human! Family, friends, co-workers, bosses -- there will be people in your life afraid of what will happen if you try something new. Will it be more work for your boss to find a new employee? Will your family be annoyed at having you move far away and not be able to visit as often? Will your significant other feel insecure after you've lost a lot of weight and may start to attract attention? Not everyone will want to support your new ways. Some will even try to prevent you from succeeding -- you ...