To become your best self...

To create what you want, you need to become a slightly different person.

You are great the way you are -- you're living a life, and you have many great accomplishments and joys. However, there are additional ways you'd like to grow, potential you'd like to explore, and a wonderful life you'd like to build -- as they say "Whatever is not growing, is dying."

Taking time to grow is important.

Keeping your life the way it is now, means your results will stay pretty much the same. This is okay if you are 100% satisfied with your finances, love life, relationships, friends, travel/fun, and living situation. But even if so, it means you won't likely get the new things you know would make you happy.

On the flip side, when you even slightly improve yourself, your results improve as well. To create what you want, you need to become a slightly different person. What a concept right!?

Think about your goals and dreams for your life. These may be for your:

*career path
*business (building or starting one)
*finding the love of your life
*improving your relationship/finding new friends
*dreams for travel, family, or anything that moves you!

Write down a few sentences about, ideally, what you'd like to create for yourself in the above areas. What outcome would be fantastic? Or simply would make you really happy?

Now for a Visualization...

Relax for a moment and picture your life when it includes these wonderful things! A beautiful picture isn't it? Plenty of all you need. Spend 5-10 minutes "seeing" this. Just relax and close your eyes right now. It might help to play a relaxing song.

How to make it real...

Now, in order to create these things, you need to become the person who builds these dreams. This is a challenging task, that requires you to adapt, to stretch, to at times sacrifice, to perhaps increase your discipline, to tap into powerful parts of yourself -- to surprise yourself with what you will be capable of.

Are you ready!? Keep reading for the how.

The person you are right now is capable of getting the things you are currently getting. To get something new, requires become something new.

Just like a Caterpillar does an excellent job of crawling, but in order to fly, he must transform into a butterfly. Your new goals will requires "wings" as well! Read on to build those wings.

What are human "butterfly wings" made of?

Your strength. Your potential. Your path in life and journey -- that you feel in your gut and must follow. Your hard work. Your belief in yourself. You visualization of who you will become. Your task list checked off. Your risk. Your fears. Taking action despite your fears. Love for yourself. The boldness to try, despite possible failure. The hurt of failing. The strength of standing. Your brilliance. Your human adaptibility. The muscle you build by simply trying. The genius of trying something new. And faith in yourself completely, understanding for yourself, and providing a soft place for yourself to fall -- every step of the way.

What are your "wings" made of? What do you need your wings to be made of in order to accomplish what you need? Write it down now on a scrap of paper. Put that paper in your pocket.

Try it now:

1. Visualize who you would need to become to achieve your goals. How would this person think? What would they believe? How would they carry themselves? Where would they go? What would they wear? Eat? Say?

What is this person like? Visualize this person.

Become it.

Right now, even if you feel unready, become this person. Walk like them. Sit like them. Feel the feelings they feel. Think the thoughts they think.

Again, visualize the person. Successful and living your dreams. See it in great detail.

Who is that person? It's you. Living your potential. Calm, focused, centered, confident, relaxed, strong. You are a person who has worked hard to develop your potential.

Now take that piece of paper out of your pocket. Write on the paper, "This is who I am."

Again, re-visit the vision you created in your mind for who you would become. Now know that this is already you. This is the you who is hiding under a few layers of doubt. Just like the sculpted muscle that is hiding under a layer of fat.

See your life -- your new life. Now reach out at "grab" that life. Say out loud "This is who I am." See the images as you close your eyes. Now open your eyes and let the images remain playing in front of you, as if this new life was suspended in air in front of you.

Pull this new vision right into your chest, hold that new life and pull it right into your heart. Let it sit there and take up residence, a warm happy tingling in your heart. Pull in the new person who is capable of all of this, pull in the strength to do it, the strength to handle whatever happens -- pull it into you and keep it there in your heart. It's what you deserve. It's already you -- just a different aspect of yourself, as "you" as your toes or fingers, just a different level of potential you are unraveling -- it's like you're unwrapping a gift and uncovering more gifts inside! This is you.

Keep that paper in your pocket. Keep your vision in your heart. To become your best self, simply be who you are now. You are already all you need to be. All those butterfly wings to be strong on your back, and now it's time to take flight.

And watching you all fly is my greatest joy as your coach. Wishing you all the happiness in the world.


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