
Showing posts from June, 2011

The story of the gold bar.

"You are in the middle of the ocean with thirty five pounds of gold in your hands treading water -- no land in sight -- what do you do? Do you keep the gold bar and sink with it and drown, or do you let it go and swim away?" TRUST that if you LET GO of what's heavy, swim away, and follow your gut, you'll find riches and happiness that fill an island. But not if you've sunk to the bottom of the ocean first, you won't.

How to deal with STRESS in 5 Steps! Flip the switch to RELAXED.

Are you STRESSED? How to deal: This can be business stress, relationship (or personal life) stress, or stress in ANY area of your life! 1) What are you in control of? (Make a list of actions you can take). 2) What aren't you in control of? (These are someone else's worries -- let go of them! 3) Picture your ideal end result -- what does it feel like to HAVE it? Capture this feeling, and feel it now. Visualize this result as much as possible. 4) Write down exactly what you want to happen. Make your goal clear as crystal. 5) And breathe! Deep breaths. Drink water, exercise, stretch, eat right, get enough vitamins, get a massage, get out into nature. Stress wrecks havoc on your body, so you need to deal with the physical effects as well. Take a deep breath, Ahhh. Now that wasn't so tough, was it? Enjoy your peaceful feeling. free digital photos. net, photo.

How to Set Yourself Free From the Chains of Fake Fear

Fake fear makes you feel TERRIFIED If you feel deeply terrified of something (switching jobs, dating, starting a business, being alone, failing -- ANYTHING), then chances are you are dealing with FAKE FEAR, versus a realistic assessment of what's possible. The truth won't make you feel terrified. It's just there, as a calm truth. So feel your deepest terrors. Are you afraid of losing all your money? Being fired and losing your house? Being left by your boyfriend or girlfriend? Losing your health benefits? Being alone? Not getting the job you want? LIST your fears, and analyze if they are actually TRUE , or if you've created artificial walls and barriers. Pull down those barriers and you become free. The truth will set you free (from these fake fears) -- you are FREE to do anything with your life. But only if you remove the temporary walls you've put up. I challenge you to boldly rip down those walls of fear, and to walk out with freedom towards what you TRULY want ...