How to deal with STRESS in 5 Steps! Flip the switch to RELAXED.

How to deal:
This can be business stress, relationship (or personal life) stress, or stress in ANY area of your life!
1) What are you in control of? (Make a list of actions you can take).
2) What aren't you in control of? (These are someone else's worries -- let go of them!
3) Picture your ideal end result -- what does it feel like to HAVE it? Capture this feeling, and feel it now. Visualize this result as much as possible.
4) Write down exactly what you want to happen. Make your goal clear as crystal.
5) And breathe! Deep breaths. Drink water, exercise, stretch, eat right, get enough vitamins, get a massage, get out into nature. Stress wrecks havoc on your body, so you need to deal with the physical effects as well.
Take a deep breath, Ahhh. Now that wasn't so tough, was it? Enjoy your peaceful feeling.
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