Quotes about love!

"Love is like a lamp, it needs to be fed out of the oil of another's heart, or its flame burns low."

Love isn't like money--the more you give away the more you get back, and the more you have to give.

Here are some ideas to keep in mind for all of my clients -- whether looking for "the one" or wanting to improve their existing relationship. Below are some quotes about love, but first, some thoughts of mine.

The world is an interesting place, because we see examples of AMAZING love, but also bitter hatred that causes people to do AWFUL terrible things -- from killing and torturing others, to kicking their own dog out of frustration, or doing strange things in relationships that are harmful emotionally or physically -- my clients often wonder, regarding relationships, "how could she do that?" or "how could he do that?" when these things are so harmful (and painful to the person on the receiving end).

Strength and weakness are the cause of both (love and hate). Read on for my thoughts on that.

1) You can give away love to everyone in non-romantic ways, from saying thank you to the check-out person with a smile, to being kind to a stranger, or listening to a friend who needs to talk, or saying a kind word to someone. Don't miss those opportunities to give it away, and will come back to you at a time when you least expect it, and most need it.

2) To love the most, you must become your most strongest self. Because love is a thing of strength, not weakness. Hate is an expression of weakness.

*People who are weak, and have not yet learned their power to become strong, will hate others to make themselves feel better, and to distract themselves from seeing their own weakness.

*Growing stronger yourself, enables you to love others more -- strength is the foundation of love: it is what calmness, an ability to face the truth, honesty, ethics, and integrity stand on. All of these characteristics are only possible with STRENGTH.

Weakness is running and hiding or lashing out at others, or showing hatred in order to stand on other people's backs to feel taller.

So if you find yourself surrounded by hate, know that you are surrounded by weakness. And make a choice about whether you stay in that situation.

If you find yourself hating, become a stronger person.
How to do that? Shed your weaker self. Stop standing on other people's shoulders and sit on your own floor for a while, though it will hurt to do so. See the weakness in yourself and face it. Are you using hate to feel strong? Instead, feel strong by loving others, not harming them.

If you know someone who hates instead of loves, realize that they are weak. They are like a person who is starving and weights only 90 pounds trying to lift weights -- when you ask them to lift something for you, they ignore you, they yell that you should pick it up yourself, they say "what, are YOU too weak to lift it?" the insist YOU are weak, and they are strong, or they simply say "no" and leave it on the ground -- because they are WEAK, so they cannot lift up that weight from the ground, even if you need them to. Of course, for them to become strong they must acknowledge their weakness -- they can no longer make excuses or ignore the problem. And then they must begin day-by-day, lifting weights themselves, no matter how difficult. And eventually, in time, they'll be able to strengthen themselves enough that they can lift the weight, and they can be there for others and love.

If this is YOU that I'm describing, face the truth and reality you've feared. And look it in the eyes. Hurt. Then heal. And that's how you become stronger. By facing the truth, and no longer looking for ways to boost yourself up by using others and hating them, and standing on their backs to feel taller. Stand on your own, and cause no harm. See your own weakness, accept it, and then begin to change it.

To do that, 1) take responsibility for your actions, and their effect on others. 2) apologize for all harm you've caused. 3) Accept that some people will leave you for good, due to the harm you have caused. 4) Stop yourself from causing future harm, and if you start to feel weak and like hating people (to feel stronger), then remove yourself from the situation, return, and apologize. 5) get professional help.

Then you have the basis for love.

"They do not love that do not show their love."

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, The Two Gentlemen of Verona

Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved.
VICTOR HUGO, Les Misérables

Seize the moments of happiness, love and be loved! That is the only reality in the world, all else is folly.
LEO TOLSTOY, War and Peace

Love seeketh not itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care,
But for another gives its ease,
And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair.

There is a comfort in the strength of love;
'Twill make a thing endurable, which else
Would overset the brain, or break the heart.

True love is a durable fire,
In the mind ever burning.

To go through life without love is to travel through the world in a carriage with closed windows.

Love is the key-note of the universe--
The theme, the melody.


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