
Showing posts from August, 2011

Want to create a blissful day today? 7 Steps of The Julie Melillo Life Coaching Success Approach!

Do these things simultaneously, and the world is your oyster. Here is my approach. Follow it to create anything you'd like. It's the closest thing to a magic potent that I've got. No matter what life throws at you, you'll not only get through it, but THRIVE using this approach. 1) You are powerful , and you can create ANYTHING you'd like. What you put energy into (and think about) expands. 2) So take control of your thoughts. BUILD the mindset you need to support your goals. WRITE it down, and repeat it daily. 3) When you feel off track, LISTEN to your feelings. Let feelings exist, and discover the message they are sending you -- it's important. 4) BE there for yourself always, as a soft place to fall. 5) TAKE bold action daily. And LET GO of controlling results -- NO ONE controls results, only ACTIONS. So take smarter, better actions. 6) TWEAK your plans weekly. Back to the drawing board is how great inventions and accomplishments a...

Focus, See, Believe -- 3 Steps to Get More of What You Want!

FOCUS, SEE, BELIEVE. Want to get more of something? Money, love, time, health, friendship, fulfillment? Deep answers from within? More fun? A better home? If you want to get this now, there is one step you can do TODAY that will move you much closer to it. 1) Focus on it. It sounds easy, but simply shifting your focus to what you want speeds your time to get it. Start thinking about it. See it in the world today! What we focus on, we find ways to achieve. It becomes easy, because WE SEE IT show up in the world. What we ignore, doesn't exist in our world -- we are blind to it, even if it is showing up ALL around us. We can't notice everything at one time. So due to necessity, we only SEE what we've decided to see. We're BLIND to the rest -- for example, how many yellow t-shirts do you see in a day? Have you ever noticed? If you haven't focused on this, you've been blind to it, and you have no idea how many yellow t-shirts are out there. How...

Economic Problems and Facing Our Fears

An article I wrote in 2008, that I believe is still relevant to the situations we fact today (this was used as a podcast on Economic Problems and Facing Our Fears By Julie Melillo With the recent collapse of two Wall Street giants, speculation of doom seems to hang in the air especially here in New York City. Between gas prices, politics and financial crisis, it's amazing anyone seems to be able to get on with their day. And my clients are definitely feeling the strain, with the situation affecting their careers and pocketbooks. In spite of all of this, I want to point out something. Tragedy can be a time of great growth. Our lives, dreams and families don't have to be demolished -- they can instead take flight. That might sound crazy, and yes, you're right that Wall Street does affect Main Street -- all of our Main Streets. And yes, the economy is all linked together, etc, and it may trickle down. But that does not mean your life ...

Want more success and happiness?

Want more success and happiness? STOP ignoring your feelings. When you dismiss your feelings, you dismiss YOURSELF. LISTEN. Ask "how do you feel?" and "why? What happened? Why are you upset?" Listen. What is the message? Ask "What do you need?" And then take action to meet whatever need that is. Taking a small action will make a HUGE difference in how you feel today. Try it! Most of us (especially my CEOs and business clients), feel they THRIVE on ignoring and dismissing their feelings, to stay "logical." Just the OPPOSITE happens actually! The more you bottle feelings, the more likely it is that they'll result in rage, sobbing fits, rude comments to others, passive aggressiveness, etc. You LOSE control of your emotions when you bottle them. Deal with your feelings on your own, and you'll be in control of how you handle situations with others. My client today was a good example. A very successful and logical woman, she'd felt for over...