Focus, See, Believe -- 3 Steps to Get More of What You Want!


Want to get more of something? Money, love, time, health, friendship, fulfillment? Deep answers from within? More fun? A better home? If you want to get this now, there is one step you can do TODAY that will move you much closer to it.

1) Focus on it.

It sounds easy, but simply shifting your focus to what you want speeds your time to get it. Start thinking about it. See it in the world today!

What we focus on, we find ways to achieve. It becomes easy, because WE SEE IT show up in the world. What we ignore, doesn't exist in our world -- we are blind to it, even if it is showing up ALL around us.

We can't notice everything at one time. So due to necessity, we only SEE what we've decided to see. We're BLIND to the rest -- for example, how many yellow t-shirts do you see in a day? Have you ever noticed? If you haven't focused on this, you've been blind to it, and you have no idea how many yellow t-shirts are out there. However, if today you put all of your focus on counting yellow t-shirts, you'd be amazed how many are out there!

Another example, how many flowers and plants do you see in a day? 10? 20? What color are these plants of flowers? Chances are, you have no idea. You're blind to what you don't notice, and this affects you dramatically.

Right now, check in with yourself and ask, "What do I focus on?" and "What do I ignore?"

*Do you notice only the "bad" aspects of your body?
*Do you notice only the unhappy people in the world?
*Do you insist there are NO "good" men or women left in the dating pool?
*Do you focus on the lack of jobs and the bad economy?
*Do you insist that all jobs have horrible hours?

If you focus on these things -- that are lacking -- you will find your own life lacking. You'll find a lack of health, happiness, potential men and women to date, and jobs -- these things simply DON'T EXIST in your world, and you'll complain about it often.

So SHIFT your focus! Focus on 1 new thing TODAY.

For example, if you are single and want a great relationship, don't focus on the gossip stories about people cheating on each other -- you will become BLIND to healthy relationships. Instead, count the happy-looking couples you SEE today. How many couples do you see who appear to adore each other?

If you hate your job, look for examples of professionals who appear truly content and happy. If you want more money, look for people who have money, or examples of people making a lot of money, or think of rich people.

This ONE shift will guarantee you will get more of what you want, because it will remind you that it's POSSIBLE once you see the inspiring evidence that others have ACHIEVED it. We don't tackle tasks that are impossible -- so first, you must FOCUS on what you want, to SEE it appear in the world, to BELIEVE that it's possible for YOU.

Give it a try today! :D


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