The Enticing Lure of Negative Motivation -- You are the Boxer and the Coach

Negative motivation will lure you with the promise of beating yourself up until you become successful , but it's a trap. "If I just berate myself a little bit more, I think I'll push myself to do better -- it has worked before." Yes there's something enticing about being that coach who screams at your boxer, "You no good piece of ____! Do better or go home, you idiot." Sure, sounds fun enough. And your temporary results seem to prove it works. Yeah, that boxer rushes out to meet his opponent with a big punch. So what's the problem with beating yourself up this way? What's wrong with being the "negative motivation coach" for yourself? Personal story: When I was in college, before every big test or paper or assignment, I'd really start to loathe myself deeply -- I'd convince myself that if I slacked I was destined to drop out of school and end up a miserable failure. I'd insist I WAS a miserable failure already, and the only ...