#1 Secret of successful people

Secret of successful people...they use the question and answer technique!
When you hit a roadblock, question and answer your way out of it.
*If you don't know it, how could you find it out?
*If you don't have clarity, how could you get it?
*If your career/business path is a mystery, how could it become a clear plan?
*If you feel lost, how could you feel found?
Whenever you don't know, ask how you could find out. Or write down a huge question and break it into smaller chunks, and answer those.
If you continue asking and answering questions in this way (perhaps hundreds of times), you WILL definitely get to your end result! :) Give it a try.
This is a LOT of what I do as a coach! But you can learn to do this for yourself. It's not as easy as having your own coach, just as it's easier to get ripped with a personal trainer, but you can also life your own weights.
Note: The pitfall here is that it's easy to get hung up on "But I don't know!!" and get frustrated and stop. When this happens take a breath. And then ask "What am I missing?" It might be knowledge, a connection, a solution, etc. Then ask, "How can I learn/find/discover that?" OR "How can I do it a totally different way that's easier?"
Good luck on your goals everyone!! :)