5 Dating Dangers You Haven't Thought About -- For Girls AND Guys

Yes, we all know the standard "dating safety tips." We know it's important to have your first date in a public place, right? At least I hope we do. Going to some guy's apartment so he can "make you dinner" on your howaboutwe date is like wearing a sign that says "This is crazy, but kill me maybe?"
Guys don't typically feel they have to give this topic much thought. But trust me, you do.
Here are the top 5 dating dangers you've never thought about, to keep an eye out for.
1) He brings a female friend (or friends). Don't let your guard down.
There's an inclination to think, oh, this is another girl, so she'll make sure nothing crazy happens to me in this situation. Especially if the girl becomes your instant friend and invites you to another location (like an apartment), be your normal cautious self. Don't assume because this is a girl, or that because there is a group of people, that you're any safer than being with a near-stranger guy alone. You're not safer. Couples have kidnapped, drugged, and raped people before. And crazy people typically don't appear crazy! They're often charming and appear trustworthy when you meet them. I've heard of this happening in bars, where guys use a girl as a wingman, and one girl went to a guy's apartment because the female roommate invited her, and it ended up not being a safe situation at all. To keep yourself safe: If your date bumps into some female friends, or invites them out, still be cautious.
2) Don't let him walk you home -- or up to your door anyway.
This one is unfortunate, because how cute is it when guys walk you home? However, some sketchy guys use this as an opportunity to try to push their way into your apartment. If this happens, refuse to go up to your apartment, and run away to a bodega, bar, or any open location. Other sketchy stalker guys will make note of where you live, so they can stalk you easily or send you things in the mail, etc. To keep yourself safe: don't let him walk you right up to your apartment building. This prevents him from knowing your address, and lessens the risk he'll try to push his way into your door. Stop a block or two (or farther) away -- preferably on a street around the corner, so he can't watch to see where you go inside -- and say "I'm close to here. Thanks again. Goodbye!" You may need to be firm if really insists. If you have a walk-up, refuse to unlock the door until you see him walk a block away.
3) Don't leave your drink on the bar while you wait in the bathroom line -- I'm talking to you boys!
Girls already know this rule, though it's easy to forget. Finish your drink before you go to the ladies. Don't trust anyone else to watch it, even your best friend -- all it takes is a person to distract your friend to drop something into your drink, and make sure you watch your drink being poured/opened. Guys, this can and does happen to you as well -- it's not discussed much, as many date rapes aren't reported. I've seen guys leave their drink on the bar, as they assume no one would roofie them. Think again. There are rapists who accidentally drug your drink, thinking it belongs to a girl. Some criminals are into guys. Or, a guy may simply want to steal your Rolex. Date rape drugs can make you collapse and pass out. If you find yourself WAY drunker than normal after only a few drinks, you vomit, and pass out, or feel overly relaxed and dreamy with memory loss, dizziness, with a "worse hangover of your life" the next day, despite not drinking very much, you may have been roofied. Certain date rape drugs can turn your drink blue, make soda go flat, or taste salty -- but other drugs are not detectable at all. To keep yourself safe: Guys and girls, take your drink to the restroom (kinda gross, germs), or finish it before you go. Don't let anyone bring you a drink from a part of the bar you can't see. Go to the bar with them. If that's awkward just say you want to see if they have a menu, or you want to ask the bartender something, etc. Beware of someone bringing you a drink from a far away bar...let's say they carry it over from a bar outside of the seating area in a comedy/improv club, or they wait in the long line at Carnegie Hall, or a show, and bring it over to you. That's a long way with your vulnerable drink! Be aware.
4) Don't trust your life to a near-stranger, even if she is hot.
Guys are the worst at this. Not thinking with your brain means you're risking your life and wallet. Hot girls are not immune to being sociopaths, STD-ridden, or in dire need of an American Express Black card. Re-think letting a near stranger stay the night as you pass out, even if she's hot. Also be careful you're not too drunk to be aware what's going on. This goes for you too ladies. Life is not Disneyland or a Sex in the City Episode where the worst thing that could happen is the guy wants to pee on you. To keep yourself safe: Know you're taking a risk if you go to anyone's apartment, until you know and trust them over time. Try to keep your early dates in public, and save the movie nights or making dinner together for after you're coupled up.
5) Don't get yourself so drunk that the sketchy cab driver tries something.
Cab drivers are typically nice people, but there are sketchy ones out there of course. When a girl is so drunk that she's nearly passing out, some sketchy cab drivers will try something. I've heard numerous stories of this. One cab driver got out and followed a girl to her apartment door, and she had to physically fight him away. Another had a cab driver ask her to come to the front seat to pay, and took off his pants. Luckily both girls got away okay. To keep yourself safe: Stay aware of not going past the line with your drinking, so that you're still aware in the cab. Being too drunk never excuses a potential rapists actions, as it's never a victim's fault, but not being too drunk will make it easier for you to deal with any situation.
Keeping these tips in mind will really help prevent most bad situations that could happen in dating. Stay safe out there everyone!