The power of the 5-Minute Task!

Change is one of the hardest things, for all of us. A new goal, especially a large one, will feel enormous, confusing, hard to grasp, and at times -- impossible. Even for my clients who have launched numerous successful businesses, who have become famous in their fields already -- yes even they feel this way. The pressure can feel HUGE. You have fear of failure, fear of success, and so much more...yikes!
That's where the 5-minute tasks comes in.
Anyone can complete a task that takes only 5 minutes. It's small, simple, and if it gets too challenging, you can give up after that 5-minute mark.
This is the key, because all goals are reached after completing tasks. So if you're too blocked to complete your tasks, you of course won't rise to the top or accomplish your goals -- regardless of how brilliant or talented you are. Blocks are serious business! And extremely frustrating.
So start today with 1 5-minute task. That's ALL you have to do.
1) What's your BIG goal you've been longing to accomplish, yet feel frustrated about?
2) If the frustration were gone, and you 100% believed in yourself, what HUGE tasks would you be doing?
3) What is 1 5-minute task you could do, that would bring you closer to your goal?
4) Complete this task. If you get frustrated, you can give up after 5 minutes (but write down what happened, and what your next step would be). Or, you may find yourself involved and really enjoying this task. It's not unusual to end up working longer than you had expected!
Big goals are accomplished when 5-minute tasks are strung together. But ALL you have to do now is 1. 1 task. 5 minutes.
Everyone has 5 minutes. No matter the result, it will change your path and bring you closer to your goal, simply to complete your 5 minute task!
Do it! I challenge you.