Don't Look Down? You Should! And Up Too.

When climbing a ladder, or hiking up a steep mountain path, you'll likely hear shouts of "don't look down!" The idea is that we'll get so overwhelmed and scared of heights, that we'll freeze up and fall. So it's best to just pretend we aren't that high up. Basically, denial. "Don't look." We also experience this "don't look" issue when we contemplate going for a new goal. Right before undertaking a new goal, "don't look up!" is our fear. When you "look up" at your goal, whether you are about to hike up a huge mountain, scale a rock wall, or climb the corporate ladder -- it's scary to "look up" and see what lies before you in its full, challenging detail. Again, "don't look." It's just as scary to "look up" as to look down, because to really SEE what is up there, means taking in the enormity of your goal . Not ignoring it in denial. It means s...