Inspiring Memes -- Collect Away to Encourage yourself!

When reaching your goal you need both inspiration and encouragement. Inspiration is that initial spark you need to get going. Encouragement is what you need when the going gets tough (and it will get tough when you have a worthwhile goal!).

If you don't have your own personal coach that you're meeting with weekly to help you stay inspired, encouraged, and upbeat -- not everyone can afford one -- the next best thing is to collect meaningful phrases, quotes, and images -- these will help inspire and encourage you during your most daunting times. If you can afford a coach, for rates. 

It's always helped me to keep inspiring quotes close at hand. I like to keep my favorites on my iphone, so I can quickly pull them up during frustrating moments to keep my focus. Waiting for the subway, in an elevator, or a few minutes of downtime is all I need to pull myself back on track.

I'm posting a whole plethora of quotes with images below. 

Keep the ones below that mean the most to you. You can post them to your own Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, whatever you like, so that you can pull them back up whenever you need to -- I'm giving you permission to post away. Save it to your computer desktop, do whatever you like with it, so long as you don't alter the image. You can also follow me on those sites, so you don't miss new posters as they come out: Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook. 

Your collection will help get you through those trying moments where you really do want to give up -- any worthwhile goal will have plenty of moments like this. Whether your goal is to meet the love of your life, to go back to school, get a promotion, get in the best shape of your life, lose weight, make more great friends, travel, get your finances in order, heal your past, strengthen family relationships, move, etc., your collection of quotes will help you on your journey!

Collect away...


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