3 Fast Health Boosts for the New Year!

Who doesn't want a six-pack for the New Year? Or at least a bunch more energy to tackle your goals? But realistically, we can't quit our jobs and spend 24-7 in a gym with a personal trainer. So let's talk about some realistic, small, changes we can all make, that really do make a difference! As I always say, the small changes are the big changes. Focus on what you want (energy, looking good, delicious food, fun exercise), NOT what you don't want.

1) Add short 5-minute bursts of exercise. 

You don't need to add in a 5-hour run around your city, or work with a trainer for 2 hours a day to see benefits from exercise. Just like spare change adds up quickly in a jar until you can barely lift it  -- I hate that, what do you even do with all of that change? -- small burst of exercise also add up into a noticeably healthier body, without "trying" so hard. 

Just add in the occasional 5-minute exercise boost. 

*While sitting at your desk, squeeze your abs in (pretend your abs are afraid of your shirt). Hold as long as you can and release. 
*Get out of the cab a few blocks from your destination (you'll save a few dollars as well) -- ladies, you may need to bring some fold-up ballet flats in your bag, if you're wearing heels. 
*Are you really taking the elevator to go up one floor? Get conscious of this, and do use the stairs. 
*Actually go to the grocery store -- Instead of using a delivery service. That 5-minute walk home with a bag of groceries will definitely give you a healthy boost, no tip needed.
*Do 10 push-ups. For some of us this will take the full 5 minutes :). And others of us could probably do hundreds in this amount of time. Do whatever you can in the time period. 
*Hold a plank position. 5 minutes is a long time in this pose.
*Put your back against the wall and bend your knees at 90 degrees, until you're sitting in a fake chair. You should feel your abs and legs working. Hold it.  
*While cooking dinner or washing dishes, dance a bit (okay, ya, make sure no one is watching if you have nosy roommates, unless you're really that good). 
*If you're waiting 15 minutes to take the subway 10 blocks, spend that time walking the blocks instead -- you'll probably get there faster anyway.
*If you're watching TV, during the commercials do squats or plies in 2nd.  
*If you're at the gym doing your usual plateau kind of work-out -- you know, that jogging or eliptical machine routine you've been doing for a year, without seeing results? And just add in 5 minutes of (heavy for you) weights. You'll probably see a difference the same day. And your metabolism will be boosted for several days. All for 5 minutes! Crazy.

2) Binge on the right stuff! Make your own veggie tray (party optional). 
At a party, I always attack the veggie tray. It's just so attractive and fresh, and I can't resist. Yet, veggies just look boring and daunting when they're sitting in my fridge. "What do I do with you, carrots? Why are you here?"

Try this. Make yourself a grand vegetable tray. No party needed. Leave it around your home on the weekends and it will be gone before you know it. Or throw it in a tupperware and take to the office -- you will devoir it before you know it. It takes only a few minutes to prepare. It's easy, and you will eat it, simply because it's in front of you. This will be your snack for the day of course, and you'll eat your regular 3 meals -- but you'll notice that you'll get a healthy/energy boost, and you won't be as famished at meal time, which makes it sooo much easier to eat the healthy-sized portion. Otherwise, you're starving, and more likely to binge on the wrong stuff -- such as those onion rings that mysteriously appeared, and 5000 calories later, you wonder "what happened?" You were starving, and it was there. Binge on the right stuff! You'll feel and look better for it.

Do it. 
Grab a bunch of your fav organic veggies, wash 'em, cut 'em up, (make a pretty platter, or just throw them in a tupperware container), and munch away.

Leave this platter around (your desk at work, or at home). You'll find it easy to nibble away and before you know it, you've upped your intake of very healthy food!

*If you're a fan of salad dressing or dips, exchange for...

  • Delicious fat free greek yogurt with a packet of the healthiest ranch dressing mix you can find -- it tastes really similar to full-fat ranch dressing. 
  • Dip in some healthy hummus (check the label to make sure it's low in fat, and is made without a lot of artificial ingredients)
  • Fat-free cream cheese
  • Salsa (Are my Arizona roots showing?) :)
  • Marinara sauce works also). 
  • Use a nut-butter for things like carrots and celery (cashew butter is tasty!) Try to find one that is low/free from sugar and without unnatural ingredients. You want the nut blended up and that's it.  

*Over time, you'll actually find you don't really need dips anymore -- they're pretty tasty solo.

It's very fast to make. You can also make a fruit salad. Of course, some types of fruit don't keep well once cut up, so you may have to eat it sooner (not such a horrible thing). :)

3) Make fitness social.

Instead of dreading going to the gym, don't stop until you find several kinds of exercise that you actually like. And either bring your own friends with you, or meet friends there. If you think of this as social time to let off some steam, instead of a dreaded "responsibility," you'll enjoy it more.

It's never too late to learn, even if you don't consider yourself "athletic." With enough practice, you will be!

*Indoor rock climbing
*Try spinning classes
*Sports (leagues or meetup groups) -- soccer, tennis, volleyball, etc.
*Try boxing, capoeira, a boot camp class, or something else you'd never think to try
*Take a martial arts class such as karate or judo, or simply a self-defense class
*Join a yoga class or group
*Partner dancing such as salsa dancing/tango/swing/other types of ballroom
*Individual dancing (in a class setting) such as hip hop, ballet, jazz, etc.
*Gym group classes
*Gather one or several "gym buddies" and all work out together. Show one another your favorite exercises. Trying each other's routines will switch it up for you
*Join a running group, or jog with a friend or several
*Walk through the park or city

Making fitness social means you can accomplish your fitness goals, while spending time with good friends (or making new ones). You might check several resolutions off your list while doing these activities!

Try one or all of these ideas to add in a healthy boost to your 2013! 

*free digital photos. net


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