Are you frozen by the fear of a vague goal? 
4 Steps to Shatter This Barrier and Breakthrough to Success, Right Now!!

If so you'll feel stuck, overwhelmed by tasks, procrastinating, or "frozen."

If so, do this right now to fix it:

1) Write down what you need to do.
2) Break that task down into smaller steps.
3) Choose one small step you can handle doing right now.
4) Do that small step.

For instance, you might be frozen with, "How the heck do I start a business out of nowhere?" and feel very anxious. You might be pacing around, doubting yourself, wondering why you ever quit your job, or berating yourself for getting laid off, wondering how you'll not end up on the street, and so on, as that fear escalates. It's understandable, but it won't get you to your goal. How to fix it: 

Write down, "I want to start a business." Then break it down into steps. Your steps might be, "I need to brainstorm ideas," and "I need to research the market," and "I need input from others about what my strengths are." Then choose one small step you can do, such as pulling out a notepad and spending 10 minutes writing down every business idea you can think of that you might enjoy -- do you see how easy the actual task is? It's even fun! You'll enjoy the task once you get past the "frozen fear of a vague goal." Then continue on to the other tasks. For market research, you'll have to define what you're actually researching, perhaps "online sales for a certain type of baby clothing" and then get to work googling sources of data, or googling to answer the question "where do you find the data?"

See how the actual tasks are easy, even fun? It's the unknown that's scary. And a vague goal is FULL of unknowns. So define it. Break it down. Write it out clearly. 

You'll feel that fear fade instantly!! Ahh. Relief!!

This will break the cycle, and get the ball rolling, reminding you that you can handle anything, when you break it down into easy steps, and tackle each one-by-one.

Rome wasn't built in a day. But it was built brick-by-brick. You can place a few bricks today, which is easy to do, enjoyable, and all you need to do to get to your long-term goals! :D

One brick is all you need to start. One tiny task.

Give it a try. You can totally do it, even if you feel like you can't. Our feelings are always valid (such as fear), but often they are logically wrong. You can feel like you can't do something that you actually can do. And do it well.

I believe in you. You can do this. Do the 1 brick task now. Give it a try! :D

*free digital 


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