Podcast of my article...

Listen to my article read by Cultivate Life magazine on this podcast -- click here. :)

Firstly today, Julie Melillo discusses the current economic problems and how best we can face our fears. Then Kathleen Kennedy looks at the opposite dimension to economic bad times and asks how we can go beyond ourselves to get where we really want to be.... abundant, joyful, and healthy. And finally this week, Esther Andrews examines the pros and cons of the Waldorf Education Method. Our future success depends on the way we bring up our children - it's essential we provide 'education with a soul.' For full texts of this week's magazine, plus details of the authors, go to the Cultivate Life! site online, in the November18th, 2008 issue. The URL is - http://www.trans4mind.com/news/nov08-3.html Freely subscribe here - http://www.trans4mind.com/news/ Music by John Ferrante - http://www.myspace.com/ferranteguitar

Find out more about Life Coaching. I'm a NYC Certified Life Coach serving professional, ambitious clients. 


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