The magic secret to a great life -- What I've learned from my clients

The magic secret to a great life? I notice something about my clients who are happy and successful. They 1) Identify what isn't working. 2) Realize what is in their power to control. 3) Take action to change what is in their power to change. In a nutshell, take responsibility and take action.

Spoke to a client today who changes around anything that isn't working, to create a life that works. It's a courageous way to live that is more difficult in the moment, but more rewarding in the long term. He's had several successful businesses and built up several lives, only to tear apart pieces of those lives that weren't working, to re-create them for the better.

The difference in mindest is this:

1) I don't like this -- what can I do to change my life for the better? I will commit to doing everything I can." Versus...

2) "I don't like this -- it's his/her fault. Poor me. Oh well, I guess I have to accept the status quo."

Change your mindset, and you will change your life!

So this is how you do it. Give it a try!

Right now, think of something you feel like total crap about. Maybe you hate your job. Your apmt sucks, or you hate what you do on the weekends. Maybe you don't get out enough, or perhaps you've spread yourself thin running around from event-to-event, and not enjoying any of it. Perhaps you don't exercise at all, and feel like crap watching the pounds pack on, or maybe you're such a gym rat that you don't even have a social life.

1) What do you feel like crap about?

Then identify what is in your power to control. You can't control other people, outcomes, and many other things. You CAN control yourself, your decisions, your thoughts/feelings/behaviors, you can control which actions you take (or don't take), how you spend your time, what new things you try, big decisions you make, and small decisions you make.

2) What are 3 things (within your control) that you can decide to do to improve the crappy situation? What are a few ways you can improve your life?

___________ ______________ ____________

3) Commit to doing the above. Start to do it this week! Take action.

This week I commit to doing the following: ____________, _____________, and __________.

(These might be big action things that are tangible -- I'll pack my things into boxes and give notice at my apartment, and I'll email a real estate agent and find a better place. I'll apply for a job, and I'll email everyone I know to find leads. I'll have an important conversation, and ask my mom to respect my decisions. Or maybe they are LESS tangible things, but equally important -- I'll decide to no longer think negatively, I will decide to believe in myself no matter what, I will begin to believe that I DO have the power to change my career, no matter who doesn't believe in me.

4) Allow yourself to make mistakes/be imperfect.

I allow myself to ________(look like an idiot, fall down, be rejected, have people say "no" to me, not know what I'm doing at first
. But I know that eventually I will have this outcome_____________(I'll know everything I need to know about this subject, I'll achieve great success, I will do a triple turn without falling).

Good luck everyone! Go make it happen! :D


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