Are you living a lie?

Life can be a great adventure, an epic romance, a beautiful quest, full of love and sunlight -- or it can be a closed dark closet, painful fearful doors sealed shut. It's up to you whether you keep those closet doors shut, or not. Feel the direction that's meant for you, and go towards it -- that fuzzy vague shimmering feeling: it's what you're meant for. It makes your heart resonate with peace and simplicity (but perhaps it seems impossible?) --, whether you think it's possible or not. It IS possible. TRUST. open. Feel what is meant for you and Go forward, even if you're terrified. Even if it seems to "make no sense" right now -- just keep going. You'll connect the dots later. Listen to the truth, listen to yourself, and live the truth -- even if that feels like giving up everything. It allows you to gain everything.

Give up on what the neighbors think.

Trade in the car if you can't afford it. Know you are more than your possessions, or what other people think of you. Those who judge you harshly or think little of YOU for "having little", are shallow people -- their minds and hearts are tiny like a toddler's swimming pool. They can't ever take you in fully, because they aren't deep enough to hold all of the ocean of what you are in their minds at once. Let go of people like this.

Let go of all of the lies. And be brave enough to see the truths. They are beautiful, because they are real. And peeling away the lies, leaves you raw, yes, and vulnerable, but also able to finally see the full shape of your strength -- which is enormous and earth-moving.

Let that strength out. It sits next to love, and abundance, and endless possibilities.

But to reach this, you must shed all of the layers of lies. The lies to yourself. The lies others have told you. The lies about what you "should" be, what you "should" believe.

Under all of this is the truth. It sits still. silently. Like the air in the sky. It's stable and always there. Lean on this truth, your own truth. And live by it always.

This is integrity, strength, and love -- and it's worth it. Go towards it.


Gurmit said…
Wow. I really enjoyed this. Thank you!

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