Why I'm no longer Recommending Match.com to My Clients

Sorry Match.com, but I'm not longer recommending you to clients. 

I was a loyal fan of Match.com for over the last 10 years, as it was clearly the leader, and it was easy to use. I've always recommended it both to friends and coaching clients, I've used it myself, and I developed a long list of techniques for both men and women to optimize their experience.

However, with new design changes, I will no longer be recommending match.com to any of my clients. It's now overly slow, organized in a repetitive way where it's very difficult to get to the real information you need -- emails aren't stored -- winks are hard to access. And everything is put onto tiny screens where you can only see 4-5 people at a time and have to click on "next" and wait.

There is no reason to use such a slow system that will probably add up to 5 or more hours of your time online dating per week. The past Match.com allowed you to quickly scan through a whole list of hundreds of winks and emails, so you could easily manage it.

Not so with the new Match.com!

If you are a busy professional, Match.com just won't work well for you. It will waste your time.

So I'm urging all of my dating clients to abandon Match.com and use other sites. Which ones?

Only my actual clients will get my full list of the best sites I'm recommending, several of which are brand new. Which site on my list WILL I reveal to you?

I will say that OKCupid has really stepped it up, and the dating pool has become better. It is no longer full of only jugglers and artists, but it finally has a handful of finance people as well! (Just kidding). But really, so man people use OKCupid, that you have a better chance of meeting someone who juggles -- just like you do! Or works in finance also!

So there are now peeps for everyone. And it's free. You can pay more for some nice features, but they're optional.

While I don't put much stock in their algorithm for matching (we're often bad at realizing the true importance of whether we care if our significant other likes cats in theory, or not, which throws off your compatibility percentage), but it is fantastic in that it allows people to answer questions. A quick scan of someone's answers can easily show you whether you should spend precious time meeting them, or not. The dating persona questions are also telling, and quite accurate! If someone is listed as the "Vapor Trail," don't be surprised if you don't get a call back. Seriously.

Many of the questions also reveal if a person has empathy or not, which is great to know up front.

It's good stuff.

So in conclusion, I suggest everyone switch to OKCupid from Match. Give it a go kids!

If you want my other site recs as well as my full coaching, sign up with me with 1-hour weekly coaching (in-person, phone, or Skype), to keep you in a good emotional place despite that awful, awful date which just made you question your faith in humanity as a whole.

As you all know, my coaching is no-advice based. However, dating coaching is the only area where I do "consulting" and give you advice, based on my extensive knowledge of dating in major metropolitan areas. Included is not just my list of the dating sites you should use, but also the techniques for meeting matches anywhere in real life -- with different skills to learn for men and women. Also included is a LOT of inner work because "like attracts like," as well as dating etiquette, the best way to handle it when you're not interested in someone but don't want to hurt them (I know a lot of you guys are concerned with this), fashion for dates that best communicates what you want it to, basic social skills (we didn't all learn this in kindergarten -- or we've forgotten due to being too busy at work), inner confidence, resilience for bouncing back from rejection or failed relationships faster, personality type compatibility, work/love balance, your vision for your relationship, emotional cleanse exercises to get rid of negative energy from past break-ups or bad date experiences, learning your dating patterns and much more! It's actually rather fun :).

For rates, including discounts when you buy packages, visit my site here.


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