3 Steps to create more confidence, NOW!

Big presentation? Job interview? Date with potential? Need more confidence fast? Of course you do. Even the boldest of us can use an extra shot of flair.

Here's how. It's all in the mindset.

1. Let go of the outcome! You don't control it. Example: you can't hire yourself, agree to a date with yourself, pay yourself money, change the results of an exam, etc. Those are outcomes and you CAN'T control outcomes. So don't beat yourself up about what you can't control -- the end result is NOT in your control.

2. INSTEAD: What IS in your control are the actions you take. Take all the shots you would take if you weren't scared. Do them the BEST you can at that time.

3. Make a list of "fearless" things you would do if you were ridiculous confident! Do them. Even if you are scared. Focus on DOING the action, FORGETTING the outcome. Doing another action. This will increase your odds for eventually reaching your end goal faster, with less frustration (since it's frustrating to try to control what you can't). And always immediately forgive any mistakes you make -- we're all constantly learning and are human. Forgiving yourself will allow you to learn and improve faster!

Note: This is of course a process. It becomes a habit the more often that you DO this. Try working on this at least weekly.

Want to get confident faster? Work with a Certified Life Coach once a week (1 hour phone session). Or in-person session in Manhattan. You set the agenda for the goal (personal or professional). It's more fun and a way to develop habits that support your goals, while creating faster results. Not bad for 1 hour a week! Trial Rate for your first two weeks! Discount Packages available. Email for consultation and details -- yourdreamslifecoach@gmail.com. Or visit www.yourdreamslifecoach.com


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