Smart, but did something dumb? The only person to blame is...Bob the Elf!

Have you ever taken a really stupid action when you knew better? We've all done it. But why? Why do we not take the right actions when we need to? Being smart and using logic aren't enough to accomplish this -- there is something more important to being successful.

FUN FACT: Your current beliefs are resulting in your current actions. If you're not getting results you want, your beliefs are not supporting your actions.

What are some of these "stupid actions?" Let's say your goal is to get a great new job.

Eating a lot of cheetos, NOT applying for jobs. Distracting self with reality TV shows, binge drinking, crying, complaining, blaming the economy, feeling frozen, begging friends for money, fearing living on the street.

You know these actions won't lead to getting a fabulous new career! You're smarter than that. But there is a reason smart people do stupid things. Let me explain why and how to change it.

Why we do stupid things:

Imagine there is a little man who sits on your shoulder and whispers in your ear. Let's picture him sort as like a tiny Keebler elf who is an out of work cookie maker -- and now he's occupied himself sitting on your shoulder and whispering things (he really has nothing better to do -- have you seen what's on TV lately?). Let's call him Bob. Tiny Elf Bob can either whisper inspiring, motivating things. Or, he can whisper negative, freezing-up things. The reasons he does this are long winded and boring so I will leave that out for now.

Anyway, Tiny Elf Bob leads you to believe things, which create your actions -- so you can do some pretty stupid things, regardless of how smart you are, just because of a lie that Bob has whispered.
Pretty scary isn't it?

If Bob has whispered an untrue belief, it will prevent you from taking action. If Bob says "it's impossible," you will think it is impossible. Clearly, you won't take action to accomplish something that is impossible!

Seems like Bob has a LOT Of power, right? He controls your destiny and success, right? Not exactly! You have a role to play here as well -- I mean, are you really going to leave your destiny in the tiny hands of a little, out of work elf? I didn't think so! Yes, you can change how this plays out.

Now, how do we change this? How do we get our power back, instead of being a silly victim to Bob leading us wherever he happens to end up? Let's take control. To set this Bob straight, do this exercise.

How to do it in 4 steps (Train your Elf!)

DIRECTIONS: Elves like Bob are easily trained -- I mean, they're used to working in cookie factories, so take direction well. Choose a new set of beliefs to tell Bob that support taking action. Here you can use your smarts to de-program your beliefs from the lies Tiny Elf Bob has whispered. Re-create those beliefs and turn Bob into your biggest fan, so he's helping you find success instead.

1. What actions do you wish you had the guts to take? _________

2. What beliefs would you need to have (about yourself and the world) to support taking action?

3. If you believed that about yourself, what actions would you take?

4. Do just one action. Embrace your new belief.

This enables us to get the successful outcome we would prefer -- and smartly know is the right one for us. It takes some time to train your Tiny Elf Bob, but be patient and he will soon be cheering for you instead of derailing your success! Elf training is fun :) And it's more enjoyable to get what you want, isn't it?

Enjoy your results! :)

P.S. If you make another mistake between now and then ("then" being your success), just be kind to yourself and say "Ah, that Elf did it!" Speak nicely to the Elf and explain what went wrong and what you would prefer. Ask for the Elf's help -- he's sitting on your shoulder anyway, might as well put him to work! And it really works. Good luck!


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