Build a Powerful Foundation of Strength -- Be YOU

Need strength to tackle a challenge or realize your dreams? Here's the most powerful way to accomplish that.

Choose to not fit yourself in another’s mold. Be whatever you are, just because you’d like to be and know that is GOOD. Others will have to adapt to that. You NEED to be what you are. Allow yourself to be like a classy gorgeous bottle of champagne -- let yourself uncork and bubble over with joy -- and don’t allow anyone to bottle you up! No matter how afraid you are of losing them -- if they can’t stand letting you bubble over as yourself, they can’t allow “you” to exist, so you have already lost them in the first place anyway -- since not allowing you to be you means they aren’t really with “you.” So you never had them in the first place. Bubble over with kindness, love and joy like a fountain -- in your own personal way, whatever that is.

If you can tap into the strength of accepting yourself, you'll build a strong, powerful foundation of confidence -- the kind that turns adversity and insults into stings, not wounds. This gives you the strength to try new challenges and to succeed beyond your wildest dreams.

It all starts with the ability to allow yourself to just be -- to accept yourself as you are. To know you're good and amazing "as is."

You'll then radiate what you are to the world, naturally attracting everything you're meant for. It all starts with accepting yourself as you are -- not needing to be something different, but instead turning up the intensity of being yourself -- like removing the "dimmer switch" and turning a light on brighter.

One of my favorite quotes from Wayne Dyers is, "What you think about me is none of my business." It's really true! Someone else can never know you as deeply as you can -- and you can see all the good things they might not know yet. So trust yourself on this, not the opinion of someone else.


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