The struggle and joy of change

Enjoy this poem about the struggle and joy of change. I think the coaching process is truly amazing and wanted to try to capture a bit of it in this poem -- I hope you enjoy it! :) Wishing you much success in your goals.

You can also watch me reading this poem on
You Tube.


blurring past
won't let me back
when I wrap this new paper
all around
a gift
and here we go
won't look back
a tree stretches out roots
grabbing soil like it should
strong grip
like ancient things flowing
right through
my bloodstream
and all the strength of ancestors
brings us to this point
this hesitation
is easy when you live
blue sky swirling
white clouds mix
easy as lying down
it begins
feet sink into grass
into soil like a seed
waiting to grow
always somewhat unpredictable
yet as certain as the seasons
impossible to contain
like the rain
a choice to yell
or hush intentions behind a whisper
to get up
and leave
or stand still
like plaster
behind tall things
and I wasn't so sure before
but now I feel the light of morning
sun pierces my eyes
I'm cutting away uneven ties
and tides will bring in
everything they should
and standing back
waiting to see everything
the next day promises to
vibrant, strong shimmering things
and maybe this won't be
so hard
after all
even the longest fall
is just a moment before
the wave rises


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