Women and insecurity

Regardless of how gorgeous, beautiful and amazing a woman looks, her personality will be one of the following. Though all women has aspects of both, one will be more dominant at any point in time.

1)The insecure woman -- constantly applying make-up, obsessed with "problems" with their bodies, obsessively shopping, and other habits to cover up insecurity. Worries a lot and never seems to have enough, always looking for the next trend, the next thing to make that worrying feeling stop. She might even feel that looking perfect will make certain situations go better.

2) The secure woman -- look nice, but doesn't obsess about her appearance -- yet somehow attracts every eye in the room. Puts effort into how she looks, but doesn't worry too much -- what she thinks matters more than what others think. Focuses on doing things she likes that make her happy and doesn't worry much about the rest.

And this has very little to do with how a woman looks.

Wouldn't you assume that a beautiful woman would be secure? Not the case. And wouldn't you assume a less attractive woman would hide in a corner? Also not the case. Personality and outlook matter a LOT here, which in turn, affects how others respond. It can really become a self-fulfilling prophecy (in a good or a bad way)!

1) Regardless of how many cosmetics you are carrying in your expensive handbag, when you feel great about your life, people can tell immediately -- your smile is brighter, your step lighter and all eyes are on you as you walk into a room. Becoming that "it" girl is easier when you're happy -- and it has less to do with make-up than with what your thoughts are made of. People do wonder what you're up to when you're smiling a bit, or have a sparkle in your eyes. It's something you can never buy or attain with a flawless figure.

2) Changing your outlook, to see things objectively and increase your confidence can help you to get that calm, happy, excited about life feeling! Becoming happier, and having that attractive sort of "shine" to your everyday life, is easier when you can work to build unshakeable confidence -- that confidence that carries over into even the most difficult situations. It takes a while to develop, but once you build the foundation, you'll have that strength for life. But you must be willing to work for it, as it won't always come easily at first -- especially if you're caught in old thinking patterns.

3) To get the objective view and build unshakeable confidence, you can work with a coach one-on-one. After you've built this, you'll worry less about your appearance and feel stronger. Then it'll become easier to feel happy, as you'll alter your life to suit you.

In your personal Life Coaching session, we will look overall life, to increase your happiness, so you can truly SHINE. Become your best by building a powerful foundation of unbreakable confidence. Not a cover up, but a foundation.

We'll start by rating your satisfaction level with these items!

Living situation
Love life/relationship
Life purpose/feeling of fulfillment
Feeling of control over life

We'll rate each from 1-10 in your first session. Then we'll work to bridge the gap, to get you to a fulfilling result faster!

No matter how happy, or how much you have already, there is room to become your ultimate best, to live your greatest potential, and be like you never have before.

To start, email me to set up a complimentary consultation over the phone -- if we're a good fit, we'll set up your first phone coaching session, where we will go over the above items and begin to improve your life!

Certified, experienced, Manhattan-based coach and member of the ICF.



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